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An inspiration video with a pretty strong story! The animated parts do amplify the experience, yet the real footage seems to have an even greater effect, the disorienting typing footage, the insinuated punch, then getting up just before the clock rings, simple techniques like that seem to have the most effect, even if they don't really 'show' the experience. Might be hard to relate to drawn footage when compared to the real deal. But anyway, maybe thanks to that it didn't feel like it was an educational film all the way through, but more a work of art with a message. Hope the people who need this get to see it!


Maccamuffin responds:

Thank you! My idea was that I wanted to show people what it felt like to experience anxiety in the way that I did. In that, I also wanted to try to get people to "feel" it. That way, I could perhaps open the door to people who do unknowingly experience anxiety to identify it within themselves and hopefully seek help for it. There are many techniques I tried to achieve this in the end, some of which you've noticed :P I'm glad you enjoyed it!

lmao, so random! It looks somewhat like a Jurassic Park spin-off but... maybe not really. Voicing feels a bit tame considering the dangerous scenario, but animation's great!


lmao, like the old unecensored Disney classics! I'm surprised nobody's taken up this idea before, considering he is a mouse and all. Or maybe they have. Also surprised I wasn't expecting that ending, now that I've seen it it feels like the only possible outcome! Nice work, and despite the cheesy, it's not cheesy at all!


Hah, simple fun. Name had me thinking of the 'Gauntlet of Fate' for a while, but that's pretty unrelated. Nicely animated!


HipnikDragomir responds:

Thanks, breh

Apart from some characters looking a bit flat (when she walks into the changing room, for example) the animation isn't bad, but as for what's it about... seeing as I don't speak the language, I'm a bit lost! Looks like there's a continuation though? Subtitles really would help! Keep it going.


lol, that was... trippy. If each time wasn't different, it could've been a perfect loop! I don't think I'm getting the pun here, but the randomness of it all gave me quite a laugh. Nice work!


Feels like the character looks so much more happy than he sounds, maybe have a more matching energy in the voice? Or a less overly energetic face. :) I didn't get what he was saying at all btw, but fortunately there is the description! Animation looks good. Also, on the vocals, there seems to be a noticeable echo - recording in a booth or in a room with carpets/curtains/etc could help to reduce that, or using any kind of dampening material around the mic. Keep it going!


lmao, that ending... up until that point it felt like all the comical moments were a bit misplayed though, as if the animation was supposed to be intense; emotional and all that, especially with the music, yet certain facial expressions/sound effects kept opting for comedy, a bit of a clash. The end was fun, but all leading up to that point felt a bit imbalanced in that regard. Looks; sounds good though, and I like the story, just wish it'd focus more on one genre. Nice work!


ObsidianWasp responds:

Yeah, the comical moments could've been a bit better. I wanted to at least add in a bit of humor to keep people from taking it TOO seriously (and so I could pull off the ending a bit better and it wouldn't seem as abrupt)... but it was a bit imbalanced. I dunno, my future works are going to be more humor-based, and I'll try to balance out the more cinematic moments in them, too. Thanks for your review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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