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Heh, I'm sure the critique's merited this time, never watched more than a few stray clips from the show, but I do love the franchise!! Nice rant; refreshing sketches amidst the bathtub speech too. Keep it going!


Woah, those explosions! The smoke and fire, the dust and destruction... though the scenery is basic, it's the interaction with the scenery; how it emphasis all damage done that really sets this on a level of its own. The title feels a bit generic (I'm sure it's been used on much lesser works; hopefully wasn't the reason this mysteriously evaded Daily Award of the day), but it does sum everything up perfectly. I was positively surprised at the glimpse of 'reality' amidst it all, though at the same time that part left me a bit confused... she (?) loses an arm and then... comes back to life? Not sure if it's more of a metaphorical glimpse, or a journey to a next life or... whatever it may be, but either way the change there was awesome; overall it just blew my mind. Such a lengthy; masterful display of Madness, and in FBF no less!! Amazing work.


What if...? Yupp, so far so good! Hope the if's are resumed in a future segment of this serial show! It's shaping up nicely, though lip sync feels a bit off sync some times (slow transitions). Keep it going!


lmao, much less brutal ending than I was expecting. XD Genius sketch; an entertaining ending skit to top it off!


JunkYardAnimations responds:

I appreciate it boss!! Much love from the Junkyard :D

Now this is getting a biiiit too disturbing to be fun IMO. O_o Reminds me of that stabbing session in the first Scream movie, where the bad guys are trying to get away with murder by making it look like they get stabbed themselves, but take it one step too far... feels like: this is one step too far. I'm thinking with harm on a more superficial level (blunt objects that seriously injure but don't cause massive bloodshed and death), or without dialog; more 'intent to kill' it'd work better. Good buddies brutally killing each other maybe-not-intentionally-but-with-known-probability is just eh... not my cup of comedy.


sadakab responds:

Sorry you feel that way my friend!

This was a longer tribute than I expected, lotsa random, lotsa fun... and that crazy guitar solo. XD The simplest sprites have the biggest effect! Happy Birthday VicariousE! :D


Haha man, such a flawless rendition of the modern world! Every time I'm on the subjway this is the life I see. :/ Albeit without that awesomely eerie yellow glow radiating from all those screens... good to see you're still making creative stuff; life's getting better! Congrats on the job!


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks cd! Always a pleasure to read your feedback. The eerie yellow glow signifies the hypnotic states when one zones out in his smartphone. It's only visible in my cartoons :P

As soon as there's money involved, you know something bad's about to happen! XD Most random one in a while too! Nice surprise ending.


sadakab responds:

Haha thanks man! And true.. maybe they shouldn't be blathering on about how much money is on them.

Bamboo Shoots!

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