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That was... shorter than I expected! Feels more like an introduction than a real 'teaser', with text but no animation at all... ends suddenly too. Though, does give me a taste for the full thing.


The effort really shows in this one! Sprite work looks great, and though the action's the real highlight, the story feels pretty dynamic too. Though, that 'To be Continued' at the end flashed by pretty unexpectedly. XD

Various impressions: Nice twist on the NG logo! The dark green speech bubble background are a bit hard to read. And the background loop on the city clips in the car chase scene (maybe at the start too, if it's the same loop? Though I didn't notice it overall). Overall it's great, fluid and furious, and the dialog gives the characters some personality too. Soundtrack fits right in as well, pompous and war-like. Nice work!


OsatoUchiha responds:

Thanks for the review! And yes you cought me red handed, I used the same moving backgroud from the start at the last scene, sue me!

lmao, so that's how the cycle of life really works! Wonder what would happen if someone happens to waltz into that hallowed house and run some of that revival recipe down the tarried throat of that one guy while they're both bashing it out as potential babies hmm... your cartoons always make you think a bit! :P Happy Halloween man!


MisterHerbal responds:

cd! I wonder that myself. I guess it would suck his spirit back into his body while mook the spook will re-incarnate and then it's up to the ghost hunter to see if he wants to chase him down and find him, but he'll be trapped into a body so he shouldn't cause any trouble of the paranormal sort. :p

Thanks for watching man, you know I appreciate it.

lmao! XD Nice work making a melody out of those sound effects! Fun sketch, and interesting chunky/red-nose character style too, added glare and explosive debris... it all looks great! Only thing I'm missing a bit is a little more life in the background, like a shadow, some window far away... just something that adds dimension; reference when the camera pans around. Well, good stuff! Almost forgot you made animations too. :P Keep it going.


DIWAKAR responds:

Woot woot

Impeccable detail as always, and what a grand adventure! XD Wonder what happened to those ghosts after their ship went up in shards hmm... nice one.


RadioTubeClock responds:

Probably floated around looking for more ships to haunt. Thanks for the review!

So far it's looking good! Movements do feel a bit choppy (increase FPS maybe?), and the music loops over and over if you let it keep play... but looking forward to the full thing!


Sherklov responds:

Thanks, and I'm still working on the complete one. The final version won't have the music loop over itself.

Afgh, so good but... so short! The five months of work thing somehow led me to believe it'd be incredibly long compared to previous work, but well... it was awesome! And the after-credit extra an entertaining finale. Also, found that secret! Huzzahhh! Even zoomed in to read that hint, but it seems like a moderate dosage of introductory tabbing for hidden buttons was all it required. ;) These are those great things that can only be achieved with Flash! YES! And so many other extras here apart from the secret too (though some buttons could use some larger hit areas).

One little bug btw: on the second secrets screen, pressing left just restarts the music, it doesn't take you back... you have to actually click the button! And lol, even more extras for right click enthusiasts. :P

As for the animation itself: it's an epic journey, brimming with almost (well, kinda reminds me of) Brackenwood-level-detail sceneries, slick animation and colossal rounds of random very laid back leisurely comedy. All good; I am looking forward to whatever's up next! Age of Mythology III...?


WooleyWorld responds:

Yeah the buttons I noticed before I posted... but... At that point I just wanted it posted.
Yes there was an odd bug that appeared on those screens. The music just kept playing and there was no sign of it in the timeline so I had no idea where it was coming from. It just kept existing so I just put buttons on it that would quiet it and it still played over one of the frames. Such a headache but I could not fix it. Oh well. My apologies.
I knew people would try to right click their way around. Fucking onto you NGers. :p

Glad you liked the humour though. I tried.
This next one is going for gold, for sure.
Thank you for the review.

Hmm kinda dark ending there! I like the idea, but if you're going for comedy I'm sure there could've been more comical ways to end this! People no longer recognizing him. People saying stuff about his missing mustache. Something... fun. Instead, he crawls to a door, goes to the office, and visits a shop...? Am I missing something there? Unless this is meant to be abstract, there's plenty o potential there to add some meaningful scenes init. Keep it going!


AdamKrug responds:

lol yeah, it was a pretty abstract film open for interpretation; I made the scenes of him walking to the door, in and office, at a store, and at home just to show and express sadness towards the end by showing short scenes of Mario's day.

And thanks for the tips! I'll make sure to take them into consideration for my next project!

Hah, a creative little papermation thing! Nice. I like the paperbased transitions, and the backgrounds with stark color. Music fits in perfectly too, though considering how intent Nintendo have been in the past on taking down anything that might infringe on their copyright, it might be wise to search up some unofficial cover/tribute Nintendo music for work like this! Well, enjoyable short it was. Keep it going!


AdamKrug responds:

Thanks for the heads up!

I'll be sure to use unofficial music on my next papermation coming out soon

So... random! And yet it seems there's supposed to be a red line here. I'm not sure I see it. Is there a message here? Satire on the educational system of today? The irrelevance of topics of study? A sketch fetched from real educational experiences? Parody with references which I do nae know? It was entertaining in an abstract sort of way, but not directly comical... if it was meant to be... and not very sensical... if it was supposed to.

Ah, and after I've written all this, I realize I missed that most critikal part of the intro, the one that mentions it's all based on a game! Haven't played the game so... the references don't tell me much. If I had I suppose the insight might be a prerequisite for entertainment, but as it stands I'm lost. The dialog intrigues, entertains a little, but overall I feel it all ties too closely to knowledge I do not have for the 'script' to stand on its own. I do assume it's a script, right? Not animated gameplay footage with narration?? In which case... it'd be weird, but make more sense. Anyhow, going to check out some of your other stuff with characters I know and see how that fares. This... was interesting! Real shame about that lost project btw. Keep it going!


AdamKrug responds:

Thanks for your condolences towards the lost project XD

And thanks for the tips! I still have a long way to go when it comes to my story and script skills

Bamboo Shoots!

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