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As if it was an actual game! :) Nicely done, though the prospect of it-could-have-been-but-never-was is somewhat discouraging too. With the NES console just recently rebooted hmm... homebrew potential?! It would be cool.


I like the twist on the Four Horseman, the leisurely and out of context way of introducing them, the hiphop music that envelops it all, the random personalities, the way it all starts so spontaneously, and messily, and ends up feeling both polished and fresh. Animation's fluid, voicing's great, and the music flows in at all the right moments without taking over. Not bad!


Well-spoken! Intriguing. Philosophical. Really like that trail of smoke too, and the notion that Death is somewhat 'humane' even though not capable of the empathy required to really be. Wonder if the narrative's all your own? Or maybe some classic citation? If it is a custom one it's pretty classy! Feels like something you might hear in and old Bergman movie.


darkn00bknight responds:

Hi cd,

Thanks for the feedback. Ya, I did the writing myself. Its probably the most spontaneous part of the whole process, which I really enjoy.

Well that was different. XD So simple. So genius.


One of those kid story-ish music videos with a twist! :D Still got some of that trademark poop humor mixed in, but I do enjoy this kind more than that kind. Simply but catchy lyrics and entertaining animation to go with, lots of details. Thanks for still keeping at it; entertaining!


Can't trust them machines! XD Pretty creative.


Gotta love the switches in scenery, and style, both of characters and foes and everything, and that oldskool Street-Fighter-like arcade narrative announcing the 'Omega Mountain' felt like the pinnacle of the episode. :) Pompous moment right there. Looking forward to the fourth and final part! It's getting intense!


Maybe I'm imagining things, but it felt like this segment of the series just flashed by all too fast, either shorter than the previous or somehow really made me lose my sense of time and immerse myself in the motions. Chance doesn't seem quite as intense as his predecessor, but he does have them moves! Another fast-paced and frantic fight sequence full of flashy effects. Nice work.


Another promised sequel I hope really is a sequel in this one! :) These game-style pixel adventures are amazing, with action of so epic proportions that epic feels like the only word that'd actually sum it up - overused as it may be everywhere else. Love the style, the familiar coin sound effect, the simple idea that sparks all that carnage. All of it. Awesome work.


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

We are actually in contract with Makers studio to make a proof of concept with the COIN premise, so they'll be more of COIN to enjoy as early as May! Thanks!

Fast-paced, crazy, crisp pixel action! Love it. There's so much variation too, suitable sound, a story even, it keeps going from one thing to the next and never leaving you bored. And to be continued... will it be?! Ending shows promise, though the title makes it seem like it might be just this one peak preview promo of a potential game? Would be pretty awesome as a game too! Nicely done, and with a totally different style than your previous works.


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

I'm uploading 2 more episodes today! it's four episodes total!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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