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I suppose an oppressive regime's the same no matter the context hmm, gets me wondering if all art schools are the same though. Maybe there's one more like Buddhism, without the monotheistic approach that caters to self and ego, with a hierarchical regime that abuses their ability to control by skewing up ancient scriptures and changing the original message. Either way: probably one of the most interesting lectures in a long time this one, with styleful artistry to fit the narrative, in a plethora of styles to boot. Stone tablets, TD in multiple styles and the charts on what styles/religions lead to/did/went where were probably my favorite details. Good stuff.


An inspiring story, and beautifully animated too! With lessons to be learned, fiery explosions, crisis, conclusion and happy ending... with mysterious after-credit glimpses at what might come/was/is? The web comic seems like an interesting idea too. Definitely has a unique premises, exotic scenery and characters I'd want to learn more about. Off to a great start!


Shi-Gu responds:

This is so great to read. Thanks a lot!
Hope to count with your interest and support from now on! :D

Well that all ended unexpectedly. XD Thanks to the highly misleading booty scene too. Thought Link might be the one to try something there. Really goes from bright and flowery to pretty twisted quick! Nice work.


Pretty psychedelic whatever-that-is in the background! And the characters hmm... just sitting around? Communicating through music? Making music? Not sure what's going on there, but I like it! Like a simple, ordinary, alien slice of life moment.


Seems like a series to keep an eye out for, this one. XD Crazy, entertaining, full of totally unexpected moments, stick figure mayhem in creative ways, featuring a cast of seemingly very regenerative characters and little plot continuity that allows jumping in on an episode without seeing the previous. Nicely animated, voiced and all! Looking forward to more.


lmao. Embarrassing moments do make for the best stories! Ten years later. Twenty, maybe. Whenever you reach that unfathomably relieving border where it stops being embarrassing and starts being a story. Maybe when you tell it hmm. Entertaining stuff.


lol, well not bad, though feels like the main character is a bit too expressive in his expression. Does feel a bit reminiscent of old cartoons, but feels like it's a bit too much for a guy just standing in the same place all the time. Usually there's motion between the motions, you know? Just seems weird he keeps expressing himself in such a stationary way, in the same place all the time, for such a long time. I like the joke, but the expressionism drags it on a bit. Keep it going!


Looks like that last customer might've been the first customer in a long time! XD So random, but all that crazy definitely enhances the parody, and so many phones broken for... well, I assumed it'd be a phone they'd deliver at the end there. Plot twist! Didn't expect it.


More like the mermaids of myth than the ones Disney made popular. :) Nice twist making it a fish though. Simple, but well-animated! And no need for narration to understand. Nice short.


A pretty epic finale! :) Seems like not much more to say at this point, as the anticipation withers away, and peace returns to this parallel world somewhere out there in the Pixel cosmos... tis been ajoy to follow these fast-paced and ferocious Ultimate Boltron Chronicles! Great work.


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

Thanks CD! Glad you enjoyed!

Bamboo Shoots!

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