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Both humorous and both psychotic hmm. .) Don't think I've seen a Madness AMV in a long time... if ever now. Animation follows the beat, and has some pretty creative transitions and scenes too. Lots of effects and witchery to time to the music. Not bad at all.


Did they always... have letters in the game? I feel like I need to replay to get the joke, but do love the animation otherwise, and the always recognizable sound effects. Nice tribute.


Massive indeed, and masterful as well! Varied, entertaining, nonsensical but consistent; consequential... entertaining all the way. Great work all.


Looks like it's just the one bruv now huh, didn't expect them to start a dispute over something so simple as syrup! It has a certain appeal y'know. Sweetness. Good stuff, a bit short and nonsensical but... in a good way.


TheBruvs responds:

Thank you .. All noted. They kind of fall out over the smallest things.. And this is them struggling to adapt to their new location and the gentrification of all they have known. East London - where they are from - is all changed.. All trendy coffee shops, media types and tech start-ups... Not a land of villains doing robbing and extortion. Now the coffee shops do the extortion... with the price of a cup of coffee. - In case you don't know - we have 20 films on youtube and 15 short sketch comedy podcasts on soundcloud - and original songs and music.. All links via TheBruvs.com - Thanks for the rating and the comments - Much appreciated

He should probably... get some air plugs. Awesome work though. You convey the sensation but in such a rythmic and crazy way too. Creative animation and all.


It's all but a goofy movie this time... dark times. Reminds me of Deer Hunter for some reason. Sad. Profound. When you zoom in on Goofy's face he looks a bit like a duck btw...


Gives a whole new meaning to the name! But I do wonder what the cat was going to work as too... could it be... the cat was a burgler too? The irony. The duality. The random.


GuiltyPixel responds:

The cat is actually a hired hit man looking for a burglar to assassinate but unfortunately all he found was a wacky man in a ski mask. :'(

Can't compute but I love it. Truly: something else.


Kinda long outro there despite no real surplus of characters to show the credits of, but otherwise this was on point! Good puns on... any RPG ever, pretty much. Action's a little slow, but animation all clear and easy to follow.


NorthStream responds:

Thanks. Sometimes my cartoons can have up to 5 different voice actors for the credits. It’s easier to just keep it consistent. I like making sure I give credits to the awesome people who help me.

Don't think I'd mind seeing some ASMR anime some time! Just a bit of a volume difference between those two characters hmm, anime and reality. Also: word up.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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