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Not much revealed in this episode, but the mystery intensified! Still liking the atmosphere and character clashes; looking forward to the next piece!


Up until the end I really liked how the atmosphere kept building, and getting scarier and scarier... but when the monsters appear part of that atmosphere dies down. When the unknown becomes visual... it's just not unknown. I hoped it would end with something not all too revealing and keep that vibe, but though it's a nice twist after that I think the monsters ruined it a bit, overall though very well-made! Sound is top quality too.


Gnydsmelt responds:


The perils of comfortable couches. XD Love it. Also love the attention to detail in this one, feels like it's got a boost since last, and maybe also a change in style... just realized the animators might actually be different between these too, subtle differences, but really smooth work on this one Nacho Rodriguez! Nice short.


Well this was certainly a new side to this old series. XD Nicely done! Voice acting's spot on, unlike the animation, but I like the style. New style = acceptable personality shifts, too. :) Good stuff!


All my old favorite bands all mentioned in this one little sketch, either by vocals or by wall. :) The Linkin Park story though... XD May they all live on forever! Great tribute.


Another good one! Alien cameo was an entertaining little tidbit, well-animated, though the overall topics didn't seem to have so much with news and knowledge this time as with sports! As for those sound effects, maybe Sound Dogs would be worth checking out? They have a LOT. Keep up the good work!


threebrain responds:

Tanks! I will check them out. Haha yeah slow news day, but tomorrow holy smokes!

Finally decided to watch a part of this thing that's been so prevalent in the portal lately... and good thing I did! I don't read much news, but this seems like a good way to take in what little interesting tidbits of such stuff's going on these days. The laughter/applause isn't really sitcom standard, nor the graphics, and the jokes now all hilarious, but all in all it's an entertaining way of presenting this stuff! Good way to start the day. Think I'll tune in more often.


threebrain responds:

Tanks! yeah I need to find better sounds. I dunno where to look. The Newgrounds Audio Portal is great for like techno or action music but I dunno about for sound effects. Yeah I hope to get it better and improve the art and stuff over time. Didn't want to over-analysis-paralysis it to death. Decided to just put the shit up and evolve it over time :-O

It's a classic! :D Hadn't yet received it apparently, but it doth bring back memories. Simple entertainment at its finest and most optimally tweened!


The moon: so wonderfully witty and wacky and out of this world! It sums up all impressions of this here fine ode to the wonders this fine white wine holds, and with song soft like silk... it can only be milk.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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