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Always giving out that wise advice! :D And this one's got the modern intro too. Sort of. Good stuff.


So this was when the whole thing started! :D Even has the weather duck thing! Sort of. Early inspirations, Constant shut up reference! Three tings! It's got it all, all by now re-occuring things, though all presented all the more heavily in this one first sketch. Even merch at the end! Crazy (wonder how much of that stuff you sold, or maybe still sell, if it's real stuff?). Love the intro (and longer version in the outro), and the continuity of it all, search for coffee, nipples, morse tongue, the perfect coffee... entertainment all in the details! Random but good. Looks like Jimmy Pee's matured a bit since these times too! His news show's a lot more considerate. :)


Pretty good one this time, interesting tid-bits of the know! Wonder if that alien's been a frequent cameo all along btw, and I just happened to start watching this in the one episode he didn't appear, or if it's a new thing with all these recent ones? Appreciated eerie break and entertaining three tings! Good stuff.


threebrain responds:

haha thanks! This one had some mistakes cause I made it in my car. Was on a road trip. Yeah I want the alien to get up in there more. Maybe do some alien news :-O

It was shorter than I expected, but not bad! Well-animated. Atmospheric. Reminds me of Gone with the Blastwave, and Metro 2033, and all of these franchises that seem to make the gas mask their image. Good stuff.


EvanClifford responds:

thanks :) yeah its just my cut from a 2 minute short , was orginally 20 seconds long for better dramatic effect but my team wanted 7 to 8 seconds so had to make a more jaring and abrubt style of editing unfortunately, but couldnt really argue because of the brief for the project is 2 minutes. will probably upload the full short animatic once it is done, however i will have to re-edit it myself because there will be copyright music used. our animatic is part of a uni coursework project and we are being marked on our contribution to the team

The 4chan and meme references are partially lost on me, but that fight... holy shit man! So awesome. So smooth. So creatively crazy and collectively chaotic. It just gets better and better and better until post-apocalyptic proportions are reached!!! Awesome work!

Adding in the comparison at the end was a cool choice too, though their not being entirely synced makes it a bit hard to compare them side by side, might have been better to just include the old animation, in full format? Since the new is already fresh in memory.

Anyway, amazing work! Can't wait to see what your skills will be like in another ten years. ;)

NCH responds:

its not sync cause the timing of the original does not fit to my new animation technics, after I start to learn how to pace-out my animation and giving some breathing/hang time on my frames, thats why they don't sync up with each other in the comparison video.

A pretty nice speedpaint, with an emotional story. :/ No art upload here on NG though?


Feels a bit reminiscent of yesterday, this one. :) Nother good alien cameo and dose of news!


threebrain responds:

Yeah I am thinking about having Shing Fla co-host and have more wacky stuff haha. Just gotta' figure out how.

Bamboo Shoots!

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