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A 'speedpaint' of actual art like this... it's pretty cool. Might be the first time I see it. Wonder if it'd be possible to set up a video camera at such an angle you can actually capture the painting process too some time? That'd be cool to see. As it is you see the layers build, the detail grow, the colors change... but you grow curious as to how each change really came about, and what errs might be camouflaged under the pain. Feels like that'd be both all the more intimate and all the more educational if that's what you wish to derive from it.

Even if the final piece is definitely the big thing here, and the process more of a bonus. Maybe it'd get in the way of the art trying to document things too much. Turned out great.


MariaSh responds:

On my instagram I have some filmed videos of paintings and drawings actually!! I intended to film this one but since I don't have a studio and just paint in my house I ended up moving the canvas around a lot, I also don't have a tripod so a lot of my filming is pretty gross://


Here's a link to a coloured pencil piece I filmed:)

Thanks so much for the feedback!

Always appreciate some expressive appreciation! Looking good.


Pretty cool, and smooth, though with that initial explosion it almost looked like her boobs just popped right off! For a second or so. Feels like a misleading bang on that one bit. Otherwise all nice.


Was expecting something different from the thumbnail!!! But animation's OK too. Refreshing. Different (after the real-life experimental stuff). Can dig it. Also just watched this today so: spoiler's accepted. I just have to say though: ditto. It didn't have the element of surprise as the last one did, but those emotional moments. Damn. Honorable end. And this: fun little sketch.

Hope you go see it soon! Reviews finna contain some spoilers too.


Really getting some Scooby Doo vibes from this! :D Not just the chorus but parts of the cartoon too, close-up eyes and bear silhouettes and what-not, good memory-ending bits there. And it just goes perfectly with that music too. Love this. Nostalgic and newly entertaining too. Love the textures too.


Requires some urban knowledge this one. XD Live and learn... though seems people are way more initiated here already. Nice sketch. Definitely not too long either...


For such a small guy he sure packs a punch! Or hmm... maybe those other guys are just really damn big.

Overall this was great, once again, though it bugs me a little that even when he jumps on those chains they don't move even the least! Background ambience potential dare I mention. But awesome work overall. And the music... similar but somewhat new. Builds a new mood.


Sounds like how it must be like to drive a Uber these days, pretty much. :) Been thinking it might actually be an interesting job though, speaking to new people... about the same old things... maybe not huh. Good sketch again.


Entertaining little sketch, though was going to comment on how the audio could use a bit better recording source but eh... seems that bit's not so easy to do anything about! Animation's progressing, though I think something that deviates from the dialog itself would be good too. Step outside the room a bit. Visualize what's being talked about? With animation normal restrictions don't apply.


Lindenbree responds:

Heh, I didn't even think people would assume the audio recording was bad! It's that way to imitate the game it's based on (Delta Rune). In it, Jevil has a compressed-sounding echoey voice. But I totally get why you might think it was just a crappy mic in a wind tunnel!
Hm... I did try to think more animation...y. Especially with the backgrounds sliding. But I guess I need to go further with stuff like that. Thanks for the review!

Gaining new insights into the Yugioh universe with each one of these. XD Seems like an... entertaining group of people who partake in this particular event! Ain't individuality an awesome thing. Good stuff.


AustinJayCook responds:

It's a weird but fun community to be in ;) expect more soon my dude, glad you enjoyed!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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