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Too... early? Didn't really catch the alarm clock thing at the early, but after that: what a trip! So much longer than the earlier ones too. Good entertainment overall, but also some transitions and events that are a bit hard to follow. But you're really getting better with this! :D Reminds me of the Ultimate Showdown a bit... not really but... a bit.

I recognize the music too. Old classic. :) Fits in well, though feels like the sound quality's been compressed a bit? Not sure it needs to be if it was? Otherwise good stuff! Keep it going.


stevetherapper responds:

I’m so glad you liked this! I put more work and effort into this episode than the other episodes! And thanks! Yes I am getting at animation over these years and I can’t wait till I get a Windows 10 so I can upload more episodes! Thanks for the review!

Never been so heavy into this game that I wouldn't think a different title might have been a better choice for an interactive adventure, but maybe with subtitles I'd think difference. Might be some intrigue here that I'm missing. I love the idea though! If it was with something like say Resident Evil, or DOOM, or GTA... holy shit that'd be amazing. :D

Claymation-wise though it's solid, interfaces and everything! It's a real feast to see familiar elements done in such a creative way. Just wish I had more of a relatable point to tie it to.


A sadness I can really relate to with this one... or rather: comprehend. Real-life relatability. Truth. The vastness of space and the dog sent into it... feels like sadness with a purpose somehow, or rather so much more important because it didn't have one, just one more meaningless sacrifice in he name of progress. It's so much more when there's a real story behind it, and the music flows...

That feeling. Really comes through with this one.


Treading on new grounds here I see! And I do love it. The style's familiar, as is the voicing - trademark characteristics that seem to enhance whatever theme or new characters they touch upon, but the intrigue's cooking something... intriguing. Random intruders, feats of bravery, great likeness and a striking introduction. It's not long or very explaining, but somehow it's just perfect. Title too. Looking forward to where this goes next.


Summary for... a movie with that particular name? Might be even more entertaining if I caught the reference if there was one, description doesn't seem to reveal one, but either way a pretty entertaining twist to the traditional horror movie killer... thing. Not bad.


ayegowj responds:

summery [ suhm-uh-ree ]


of, resembling, or fit for summer

Sketchy battle it may be but this was masterful! Expressive, effectual, with as much attention to the angles as the audio design, little bits like how the sound chops when he batters his phone. Pleasure to watch this showdown.


I can't believe I haven't seen or if so can't remember having seen any of these before! XD Random, but with so much comedy in the execution of it all. Love it

But to think I found out about this when it's over...


Now this was actually really good! The lyrics as much as the performance, with short breaks for entertainment value. Not sure it was better with those than it would have been without... but I really liked it. Great show, and a style you don't hear too often these days too.


Poking fun both at Thanos and the game hmm, strange way to make an Apex parody but it did entertain! Thanos seems kinda out of character though.


All the old Foamy alternations are appearing once again! :D It's like a slice of that Foamy speech wisdom with this one... in a backward sense. All that's wrong with the world. A glimpse. One of those things. Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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