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So random, but so awesome! XD The combination of that serious, somber, Star Wars scene... and the traditional Scooby Doo characters and sound effects... such an awesome combo it is. Supersmooth work with the animation too.


Did you find a backup? Uncorrupt the file somehow? Glad you got it sorted out, whichever the miracle method, turned out to be a pretty fun short! Just that audio bit at the beginning: it really clips! Happy Belated Halloween!


A little bit of good fun, though... he does have shorts doesn't he? Need to play the games I guess... well-animated, anyway! Smooth work.


Color looks: great! Atmospheric setting, and a pretty much perfect loop too, even if the soldiers just keep coming, and one after the other the characters keep running into the shadow...


PiratePudding responds:

Thank you very much. :)

But he didn't like that burger anyway. XD Also that's a gigantic ant... entertaining short, and I like the detail with the bird and burger in particular. Smooth stuff, though might be it could've been presented in a wittier way


A somewhat entertaining sketch (a bit more script and variation could be good), and smooth animation, though as for the sound: the voice volume is definitely a bit off balance! One voice is way too low compared to the other, so between them not really a good way to balance volume overall. With that fixed: not bad.


Gotta love that chop-stick initiated food fight with self-returning sushi. XD In the battle between animator and animation... seems it was a draw this time! Nicely done.


Now those are some pretty deep and cryptic lyrics! Or, poetic, I should say. The animation's smooth and artistic, and goes well with the music when you know what they're saying. :) Wonder if you're doing more of those days? Or is this a favorite of sorts? Nice work.


CondePablo responds:

Thanks! i would love to make the entire song, but for that i should have the rights first. so, for now there are just some fragments

Awful idea and yet... awfully entertaining. XD About the not making money anymore, not because: it's a YT description? Gotta bypass that magical 1K limitation somehow... for now though, there's always something to be earned via the almighty NG! Good stuff, as always. I'm glad you, unlike most peoples who are struck by unsuitable ideas like this, actually make something out of them. XD


artistunknown responds:

Oh fuck, I forgot about that joke about the youtube demonetization thing lol. I just copy-pasted the youtube description and made a few changes. Still kinda works on newgrounds too though, since M rated stuff can't make money, not that I've made any ad money on newgrounds in a while anyways lol.

Yeah, no idea is too awful for me to make. And sometimes, they're so awful I have to make them immediately.

Thanks, Cyberdevil ;3

Definitely listened to Limp Bizkit, wore both surf and skate shirts though I never did either (still love those), though I remember falling behind a bit with the Pog collecting. XD Seems we're the same generation huh! Generation X! Generation Strange! Sun don't even shine through our window pain! And awkward experiences lmao... brings me back. This didn't go into the 'observation' phase as much as I expected, more into the experience phase, but great story. Dug it. Fo rizzle. The bomb.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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