Can understand why Germaine is reacting the way she is! XD It's been a while now...
Can understand why Germaine is reacting the way she is! XD It's been a while now...
Pretty short but well-done! Solid animation, voice acting and background soundtrack. It's just over all so fast.
Well James is definitely a... James you need to make Space for! :P Entertaining dialog-heavy sketch, heavy with Space James names and naming schemes and it seems... there may be more Space James in the future! You're always in a good race lane, watching good Space James... not as much action as the intro seemed to hint, but good entertainment.
Had to look up the shillalah. XD Ah, it's that thing! Not the thing I thought it might have been... great animation overall. The animation's full of life and the song: what great acting! :D Sometimes it almost gets a Yoda-like tone, but he's green too so that's OK right! Good lyrics, smooth music; solid performance. Happy Day!
Thanks for the kind words, boyo!
This was pretty heavy! Love the effects, and they go well with the gritty style too, probably easier to animate with than if it had all been clear (and I assume it's an intended effect, not really that bad a camera XD). Great flow as well, I don't understand the lyrics but I'm pretty curious since that's apparently a good thing...
Definitely didn't see that coming! XD Such a simple idea; such genius. Really like that billowing motion with the waves too, makes it all look like papermation. Artistic work.
Thank you very much!
Not a bad beginning. :) Complete with ending twist and all. Could use a bit more frames for the animation, but the movement's smooth otherwise. Oh, and sound! Apart from that nice one.
Thank you, this is one of my earliest animation made!
Well that was... uneventful. XD Was thinking his head might explode from all that focus, or something... the motions come across alright though, to focus on that. He starts a bit too still, but once he starts moving it's good. When his chest is heaving btw: it should affect more of his body. Head bobbing slightly, shoulders up and down, if he's breathing right also his stomach. Good start though!
Thank you very much for the helpful critique! I appreciate it.
The vehicles were a pretty interesting addition, don't think I've seen anything like that before! Tractors, wheelchairs and all. :P Otherwise this really brought me back to the old days of one-stage stickfigure carnage, all trying to overcome that one obstacle... they really don't seem to care for their lives. XD Some of the motions look a bit choppy, which makes me wonder if a bit more frames/higher FPS could have been used, but overall it's real smooth! Creative too. Good work.
Randomness factor at an all time high! Baco9n saves the day again, or saves himself, somehow... not sure how that happened but however it did it was an entertaining happening! I happen to be quite happy after this here awesomely animated mishap. Good stuff.
Thank You. It means a lot to me :)
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04