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The duck that turned into a flamingo and then.. back to a duck, I guess! Poor duck, too, though seems the death was quick and painful... he doesn't react at all. Or maybe he's immune to knives. Hope so.


No idea what's going on here but randomness in itself is: pretty entertaining! Good stuff.


ZenithQuinn responds:

haha, thanks for checking it out! basically in the game, there's these llama shaped pinatas that randomly spawn with desirable items inside. Sometimes people hide c4 on them as a trap.

Kinda feeling pretty sorry for that supervillian for a while there. XD This is one side of villainy we seldom see... and it all ends well, too. :) Do wonder who won that fight hmm... hopefully it keeps going for years and years and they build a bond as only superheroes/villains can!


Well that was... unexpectedly unkind to the main character of said franchise! Do like the style, but the story, hmm... is there an inside joke here I'm not catching? The exposed brain's also one of those details that make you think: is this supposed to mean something? If the boomerang thing is the main thing (which I assume it is) that steals the show a bit. Otherwise: well done.


A modern take on the Wild Wild West... interesting mix! Animation's great as always, both detailed and fluent. Don't understand the song but... yeah I don't really understand what it's about at all this time. XD The animation doesn't have as dark or mysterious a theme as in the pirate song, and I'm not sure what to think about this in regard to what it's all about. Cash? Love overcoming all? A story as depicted in the animation? It was fun to watch but seems the pirate song will be hard to beat, that one just had something... majestic about it. Anyway great work! Good to see there's more of these being made!


Even though I don't and never have worked that job I can definitely relate to some of this. XD You see these types of people sometimes... in certain places... being that way they are. Entertaining in animated form but oh so aggravating in real life. The intro and outro seemed suited to match something more than customer experiences, like a full story of sorts, but otherwise all's well done. Good fun.


Well that went well. XD Not sure I've seen the original, but seems you put in enough of the original to give context to the new ending either way. Good stuff.


Seems like a lot of people are sitting on - and sending in - unfinished work this year. :) Bit short but good fun! Happy Pico Day!


ToonCastleTV responds:

Thanks, it's abridged so that's why :) Maybe one day I will get around to properly animating it. Thanks for your review!

Can't wait for the less sketchy version of this. :) Also 70 FPS... that seems insanely detailed! Maybe animators are working with higher rates now than they used to, but back in the day 24 was easily good enough - and with video 30 seems like standard. 70... sounds awesome but also like it could be way more work than it needs to be! Best ask advice from the pros, though, what do I really know. Good stuff.


Rovertarthead responds:

Well no that’s just me I love animation and want to go all out LOL and yeah that’s good advice to I’ll go do that. Thanks very much for your support to I can’t wait as well I’ll be doing my best!

Lip sync's not always on sync, but apart from that: sounds intriguing! Nice voicing, music and all.


HeadbanGames responds:

Thanks, I will work on the lips sync some more!

I worked some more on the lip syncing.

Bamboo Shoots!

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