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Style really gets me thinking of Lonely Island! Awesome style. Awesome pace. Nostalgic spritemation to go with it too. Feels like a fresh mixture! Good stuff.

Bit much with the flashing lights though.


Such a slow and suspenseful build-up, the suitcase left out in the open... was thinking that'd be the main element, but in the end I'm not sure if they even left or not. I'm not sure what really happened here. Love how abstract, yet consistent it is though, and it keeps you glued even when it's all in the details. Leaves me both enlightened and confused. All this from just the preparations of a trip; maybe all in the mind of the main character.


Dog's man's best friend, but car's dog's best friend right? :P It's about time for something like this! That 3D animation's kind of plain, but it works with the theme. No need for realistic with this. XD Pure awesome.


Well that was... mildly depressing! Thought he'd freak out and really do something at the end there. Guess not. Unless: sequel potential?!

Nice work building up the scenes with that scary movie audio though. Works well!


meatcanyon responds:

The dad may come back in a second chapter 😏

Obsessing over life often seems to have this kind of side effect. XD Fun little short! And the 3D turned out well too. Smooth and easy to follow. Good sounds to match. Solid work.


Well that ended well. :) Really thought this would have something to do with the movie with the same name, but it was refreshingly different. I like the style, and music, and oldskool vibe of it all - and a typical Hollywood ending to boot. :) Necromancy doesn't seem that bad after all!


DelusionalGinger responds:

Aww, thank you. :) In retrospect, I've realized the name probably wasn't the best choice... but! I'm glad you enjoyed nonetheless!

He's really on a roll towards the end there! XD Crazy characters... but good fun.


Those actor impersonations were just perfect. XD Maybe not Statham... but the rest! I am impressed. The style of animation and announcing everything had me thinking this was some Game Grumps-sort of sketch at first (background narrative laughing seems to have that effect these days), but once you realize it's not: so entertaining. Underrated work this time!


Well that was intense. XD Feels like the voice acting quality (I mean the recording quality) could be clearer, but otherwise nicely done! And Flash too. :D Props on keeping it oldskool! More stuff like this planned?


ChazDude responds:

Yeah, I agree that the Samsung Galaxy J3 ain't the best recording device.

Unexpected ending times two. :) Really like the fluidity of it all, though background seems a bit hazy - like the forms are solid but the contours are out of focus, could maybe improve that bit? Overall good stuff! It's a blast from start to finish, and a smooth soundtrack to go with it too.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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