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Three guys head bumping in unison in a car huh, until it all spirals out of control! XD Surprise ending, though do wonder what happened after that hmm... seems kinda dangerous the driver of the car is just squealing with his eyes closed like that too! Good stuff.


SpiderKnife responds:

Haha, I'm sure you would appreciate that when he had his eyes closed, I reduced the amount he moved the steering wheel, as I didn't think it would be practical for the potential, fatal ending of his ride XD Thank you for your time and comment!

Reminds me of the intro to 8-Bit Killer for some reason. :) Totally different theme, and a different style too, but I'm equally allured by it - and they do share the pixels. Love the atmospheric coloring, with the red, army green, all simple but efficient transitions between the frames too. Nice work!


Instructions seem easy enough... if I haven't already mastered the art maybe this'll put me on the right path. Not bad.


Brutal things you make for school! XD Classy music, classy conversation, a pretty awesome intro scene... really digging this hybrid style. Tis a short but well-told story! Nice work.


And so the tongues lived happily ever after! XD Love it. The one or other disappearing I thought was more so due to doubt than anything else though - that they were watching a romantic movie rather than actually partaking in the moment, but when it all falls into place... well that was nice. :) Nicely drawn too! Great detail, and instantly likable (and recognizable) characters in the main duo too.


Wonder what was really behind that mask! XD A cute and dark comedy indeed... and creatively different. I like how it's told without the need for speech too. Easy to understand via the gestures. Nicely done.


chillachins responds:

Thank you! :)

Didn't get confused by that ending! XD This was pretty refreshingly oldskool stuff. Somewhat gory, but entertaining all the same. The animation quality's not perfect - motions are pretty wavy and lines not so polished, but it's smooth and easy to follow. Feels like you had fun making it, so that makes for good fun watching! Overall: good fun. Voice recording could use some improvement though (better quality mic?). Keep it going!


SwiggityWAVE responds:

Thanks man, Fun to hear that people actually like my work and I'm thinking of improving the mic quality in the somewhat near future :P

This really makes me wonder how much I remember from this show after all.... only towards the end did the scenes really start to seem familiar, but it seems like it might be about much more than just the show. So much nostalgia coupled with this one character though, Samurai Jack.

Really masterful how all the characters clash together, and that ending... so sad. The music really goes well with it too. In true styles. Beautiful.


These the kinds of animations you make for your mother? XD So well-animated though. That mother bird definitely just showers the little one with love there! Nice one.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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