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Well that was depressing. :/ Very matter-of-fact and easy to follow, though it would've been nice with a bit more fun along the way... it gets the point across though! One thing to improve on: the mouths. They don't always seem to follow the speech as well as they could. Otherwise nicely put together.


You're really rolling with this special new style of yours. :) Now with puppets! I feel like the one bit (after guilty-ish) when your one eye can be seen behind the glasses sort of takes away from that special silhouette illusion, and after that... starts feeling not as processed as it previously was... but the expressionist style stays awesome, the point comes through, the subscribe button limbo both entertains and seems to be cleverly crafted to work on both YT and any one other site (like this) which doesn't have such a particular button. :) Well thought-out and paced and all. Stylish work.


Pretty cool how not only do you show the revolutionary hover chair but actually how it might work, with magnets lining the wall... though guess it's not all new considering magnetic trains. Looks like fun though. Surrounding that one invention: a lot of wonkiness! XD Don't know what impression to get here. How does it end. Where does it go. What was this really all about?! I feel like it started with the intention of comedy but soon moved more into the FDS lane: strange, psychadelic, without a clear and highlighted path. Is was fun to watch though! And props on good soundwork to go with it.


Kolumbo responds:

It's all a mess, Cyberdevil, don't even try to make sense out of it. I know I couldn't.

Madness and Unreal combined?! :D This is like a dream. Not only does it capture the essence of both universes, the superior graphics along with the more somber shades of Madness... but the one turn suddenly brought it all to a whole new level! Matrix vibes. Love it. If only we could see the carnage that follows... this could be big! Love the softness of the falling rain too. Beautiful work. Music too.


Using the old site slogan as the title I was wondering if it'd live up to the name... but that it does! :D Could make a whole series of these. They seem to get better with each one, so whatever comes after the robot weather's bound to be: out of this world! Good stuff.


Well at least there's the Fulp. XD The future's looking pretty bleak and robotic hmm... though at least the robots of the future have integrity! You'd think humans would program in all kinds of twisted features hmm...


It always ends like that. :) I should've known... for a while though I lived with the dream! A short flight up through the careening cosmos of the mind... nice short.


And... that's how it ends? XD Feels like it could've gone in a more finite way, but apart from that this really highlights the dangers of these particular self-mobiling devices pretty nicely. XD Fun stuff.


Very realistic style! It brings me back to the black and white movies that no doubt you're looking to emulate here. Still scenes amidst the moving ones, but overall... this could be interesting! Nice beginning.


Amen to that. XD Home-life conditions: very very relatable. Seems there's a time of insight for everyone if you just stay there long enough. You pass the phase and discomfort and restless abandon and move into... acceptance, though with a small and inevitable fear that keeps cycling: of getting stuck there forever. Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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