
13,874 Movie Reviews

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If the real people look anything like the characters in this animation, I think I found a new favorite band. Love the creative style of animation, color always synced with surroundings, always stylish, always smooth, and always perfectly tuned into the music. This animation makes the song a hilarious experience to watch as well. Great work!


Well this was a different style of Madness, hah, nice sword playery! I like the katana way better than the Sai, but it's a neat addition with that too. Apart from the masks, that look more like sunglasses than they do anything else (be wary of gray gradient effects), it's a good battle. Keep it going!


Not that there's really much of a tale in this, but it was an interesting watch. There's plenty of jumping and running around, and a city which I didn't realize was actually a city until he jumped into it (might want to add some windows or something). The surroundings aren't always very detailed but there's plenty of detail in the main character. The one point where he enters his apartment, especially, the movements seem unnaturally natural. Good work!


Well this was a fun watch. Apart from the occasional silent animation, it's a great collaboration. It turns out the sound really does a lot for stick animations, but the different styles of sticks and the quality shifts all work together in the end, style shifting along with colors and, when therer are sound effects, it's refreshing that those are different as well. Nice work!



It's always great seeing clashes of differnt styles and concepts in movies like this. Happy to hear a few favorite tracks along with the animation in this one, and the mixtures of FBF and other stles is nice. There's rays, reflections, stunts, all kinds of stuff. I was wondering how the different topics would all be related to color, but it turns out it was just the color. My favorite is probably the Blue one, simple and stylish. Nice work!



This whole movie is ust one complete episode of randomness. Flying bacon, people ripping their faces off, car crashes, cows flying by, a clash of graphical styles, the circulating banana, portals, hah, the animation just keeps changing. All the time! So much creativity packed in this, and it syns perfectly too the music as well. Great work!


Well that was unexpected, the door getting kicked down, that menacing voice... it wasn't what I was expecting when the initial stick figure popped up. Overall it's a really varied mixxture of styles, some Pokemon (?) interface, blur effects, stick figures, real muscly body-structures, simple figures, photoshop (?) backgrounds, real photos with lipsync... it's all like one big experiement. It's a bit like a collab in how all the different styles are mixed. Looks good!


The beginning kind of reminded me of Resident Evil. Not sure why, maybe it was the music that did it, or the gray gritty layer effect above the animation. After that it completely switches in a different direction though, from dull and depressing to crazy happy, hah. Love the added NG ray transition just before the 'real animation' kicks in. Nice work!


Gotta love that intro transition. The whole animation is a great sprite build up, and it's not just the regular sprite fight either, it's a music video! The added subtitles are a great addition, and the music itself is great. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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