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Such an ambient setting... even without the music, with just atmospheric sounds in the background, I think this would be pretty nice to look at. Nothing moving too fast. Nothing too constant. The cat, the pinwheels, even the girl gaming on the background stairs... very nice scene overall. Just fades away a bit fast...


Seems like he's stretched a muscle somewhere the way it chops up a little at the end of each loop. ;) Not bad though!


goeliath2 responds:

Thanks man. Yeah I'm aware of the faults. I tried to fix as much as I could but after a final pass the faults were too obvious for me. Maybe next attempt I do it'll be better tho

THanks for the feedback though, I really appreciate that stuff

lmao. XD Who's Brak again? Real? Fictional? Favorite? He really did have his own show hmm...

This wasn't bad. Even if you go into it totally clueless: good fun. Thought it might have something to do with Mulan at first but guess not hmm.


artistunknown responds:

Brak's got a long history, originally a villain in the original Space Ghost cartoon, later going on to be Space Ghost's friend in Cartoon Planet and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, and later starring in his own show. Basically a veteran to Adult Swim. And yes he's a favorite ;3

Also I guess the Mulan thought is 'cause Samurai Jack's style looks kinda similar? I guess Ashi (the character wearing the leaf) kinda looks like Mulan if I squint real hard lol

I have no idea who's on what here but sure was entertaining. XD If only they had some more entertaining sound effects with computers hmm, could be a selling point...


JunkYardAnimations responds:

Appreciate the reviewwww!! I wuvv uuu <3

The crow and the scarf seem to be having their own battle entirely. :) Not a bad loop, though silent, and very looped... will be cool to see this in the real thing.

GIF would've definitely worked too. ;)


ChristopherWade responds:

Haha, yeah. Still figuring out how this place works. Hey, thanks for taking the time to review and watch!

Well that was nice. :) They really cracked down on Shadow though, good thing he's got pretty tough skin... also Eggman's ghost almost sounded like Jack Black for a second there! XD Impressive vocals.

It's all a movie with a message too! Merry Christmas in a bit.


Well that ended on a sad note. :'( Not bad though! Expressive, lip-synced and all. Good sketch.


This style needs to come back again! XD

I'm not sure I ever played the game but somehow... can relate. This is just pure nostalgia. And comedy. And everything great from an era long gone in a style never used with a strain of comedy that really really deserves a comeback.


Just can't get enough of these guys. XD Latest one's the best one yet but these are awesome...


Things sure have changed since the first one. XD Started with violent and foreboding, knives and arrows and splatter all over...

This was fun too, same air of spontaneity as the newer, but I like how it's evolved since. Spontaneity with a bit less edge/a bit more sensibility. NG be changin'...


Bamboo Shoots!

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