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The irony in making something like this with all that additional help. XD Well, maybe irony's not the right word. No doubt that's the idea though right? A creative twist on the basement theme! And solid work on the details; coloring. Even an official Fulp cameo! Somewhat.

So this is the secret huh. This is how you manage all you manage!


BrandyBuizel responds:

If there was a "wink" react I'd be using the crap out of it right now. I definitely wanted to go meta with this one, I'm really thankful for my awesome support team of friends that come in clutch for each other's projects!

Personally I've never seen a cat do this. Most seem so collective and calm. They just sit there. And wait. And don't seem to have a worry in the world until someone finally opens that door... but it's definitely more entertaining like this! XD For that final punchline though, think it would've been even better if he just turns around and trots away... something so very cat-like casual.

Awesome work on this though. Those meows. lmao. Better not get a cat...


Sudden submersion... short, but so very well done! The angles. The timing. The ambient color. So this is what true immersion feels like.


Well someone's got a problem. XD It's all about the reactions in this one. And that controller throw, lmao. Nice one.


Well that ended quicker than I thought it would. :) Feels almost like the ending was rushed a bit, but everything leading up to that was great. Love the style. In the beginning her legs looked almost excessively chubby, but it's cool how the characters become somewhat part-Chibi with those proportions, both cute and strong at the same time. Digimon-like... for both animals and humans.

Love the creative monster design, thick outlines and smooth animation too. It's fun to watch and easy to follow, always going in somewhat expected but still not too predictable ways. As for the voicing: feels like she main character could've been a bit more vocal sometimes, but overall well done there too! A short film well done.


It's a whole new level of strange dreams! Realness mixed in makes it... all the stranger. And realer. And more disturbing. Still these are all dreams like I can't remember ever dreaming before... you sure dream some unique things. Maybe this is the real source of the scripts in most of these strange animations hmm...


Subliminal messages flimmering in the background and all? Is this ALL dream-based, or some of it added in as animation-enhancement? Transitions? Splash screen? Interesting work though. If only I could read dreams this would probably be even more so...


To be continued. XD Good to see Michael made some good things out of his adolescent life too! Good fun.


Don't really see what the buzz is all about here. XD Such a random scenario, but the script progression's great. Nice to see some re-occurring characters on screen too, looks like all of these guys are part of the same big alternate reality.


Good decision. XD Wish I'd taken that same step years before I did so too... not that my teeth look like that, but still. Dual morals in the same story too, lmao! Learning one thing after the next...

That combination of real footage and cartoon sounds btw: it works! Hope to see more of that style.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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