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Gotta start feeling sorry for the guy again huh. XD That final animation sequence... detail felt a bit flat there, but the narrative's the strongest part of this as always. Such intent with each word they word. Love it.


So that's what you do huh! But then... you become a mop yourself. I'm not sure I can trust this wisdom after all...


And another good one! XD Not very flatting for the Cap though huh. RIP Stan indeed...


Some of the motion loops could've been a bit smoother, and some parts seem to move without others dong so, but overall this was pretty solid work straight from the start. A smooth battle, and plenty of details in the characters too. It starts with promise.


This was pretty cool! The animation's not always the smoothest, transitions are sometimes a bit too quick, or angles switched without the viewer really being introduced to the new one, but considering how this is all solid FPS, and how much detail there is it's all pretty impressive work! The overall fluidity is pretty good. The one detail that bothers me a bit though is that belt... could've skipped that bit maybe? Or made it seem more like the characters had clothes otherwise. :) But the motion: solid work. Solid battle. Looking forward to whatever's next!


M3kbuda responds:

Wow thank you for your comment it means a lot to me that you took the time to critique me on my work. I will definitely work on these flaws to Improve on the next video. Also the belt, I wanted to have some kind of wind effect when I could, plus I've been watching a lot of dragon ball z. Once again thank you for your response.

Memes truly are the way of the world these days. :) It's a strangely depressing and uplifting combination, in that they meet, but that it took memes for them to do so... all presented with pretty solid narrative, and futuristic style of animation. I like the style. Pretty original, and a well-told tale overall. Also good memes.


Second-hand smoking huh... really isn't good for you. XD Especially eh... second-hand smoked Caterpie? Charizard comes across as a pretty kind beast after all though... nice one. That end though, seems kinda irrelevant. XD


Main character's reminding me of Carrot for a while there. :) Though a bit more like a mouse than a bunny somehow... color I guess. Even though bunnies aren't always white after all. What stereotypes.

Really enjoying these smooth, uplifting, creative little shorts!


This is looking pretty interesting! :D Bizarre and violent... but in good ways. Like an iridescent light, a new shine from all angles. Nice glimpse into what seems like a pretty mad world.


Now this was pretty dark. :O Violent. Claymation part's masterful, though the sound bit feels a bit unbalanced. Effects are cinematic and great, but the voices are a bit too low in comparison, or vice versa, so it all comes across a bit too loud. What a savage reinterpretation of this scene though... I need to see the movie.


dexheartwood responds:

Thanks so much man! Yeah is unbalanced, i have to improve a lot from that point of view, it's very hard to made something acceptable with the sound. thanks so much for your comment

Bamboo Shoots!

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