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Hyped to see the full thing when this is done! So smooth. Though as a preview clip... when it's just a couple seconds you wonder if couldn't be a GIF instead.


Because then... you might become a cereal killer? :P

The way he's looking at that gun it seems like he just might shoot himself accidentally, and some of the animation's a bit consistent (like that shadow changing on the inner side of the wall as he climbs on the outside?) but overall good fun. Back to that classic Madness atmosphere too.

Appreciate the title wordplay too. Good stuff.


Beware companies, pretty much. Especially those that make money. Especially those that grow exponentially doing what they do. It's all give and take. More take than give. What gives.

But ignorance is still a virtue. I'll take it.


That spray can lmao. And he sure made good use of those toilets too.

Feels like this could've been a prelude to a whole series of similar doing, but it's wholesome as is too. Well-animated, well-voiced (if some of those grunts really are custom? Quite the array). Not long but good fun all the way.


Trippy, cute, abundantly catty and charming... maybe this is the future. AI the right way. So soothing music too, goes well with the visuals...

Nice work.


You know that audio style and that animation style somehow don't seem to match at all, but maybe that's the point... yes, I do like podcasts. Yes, I do like Newgrounds! Yes this might be exactly that!!! Intriguing to see what y'all been cooking this time around...


Well this was bananas. XD Though technically just the one banana. Anyway: less audio clipping and would've been perfect! Could maybe polish it up even further. Really focus on the rage. The more expression the more entertaining I feel. Fun stuff.

And that said there's something special about simpler stuff just for shits and giggles too. Disregard prior feedback at will.


That's about right, yupp! Though with uncanningly classy music in back of it.

The title sort of revealed the joke as a lack of joke, but drawings be good... if you could really through in some real punchline with something like this...


When you said it was short I started expecting something waaay shorter! This wasn't bad at all. It builds up nicely, goes through the motions, has not just the two main characters clashing but a surprised one between them as well that has me wondering who was really the villain again and what was going on in that last round... it's been a while huh.

Also how long has the company watermark been a part of these...? Feels like it might be a new thing too. Smooth intro, smooth transitions, smooth everything here. Might be the best spritemation series still going here... hope all goes well with the company and looking forward to the next part!


I... don't get it. :/ Collection of knock knock jokes that might be fun if you heard the words/knew the context? Just the... just a... regular day in the... random encounters with a... something about the process behind making animations within the animation process? Did entertain a bit but yes, this sure was experimental...

Edit: Ah so the aim is to build upon this and fill in those blanks! Makes way more sense now, explains why you link to the file as well... I should've been sharper. Really cool initiative, even if the description is kind of mysteriously blank, possibly aimed at an audience that already knows what this all is. Wonder how many others may be equally confused before these reviews show up...


ChutneyGlaze responds:

they are video edits! that means that anyone can add their own video to the greenscreen or video online to make a silly funne video ;)

yeah you hit the nail on the head! oky yes some people will be confused you have a point

Bamboo Shoots!

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