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So much laughter, lmao. Twas an entertaining sketch on some of the more sketchy characters of the superhero world. Great animation to back up the audio, simple yet perfectly synced, with some pretty fitting transitions. I think some things could use thinner outlines, like the background items where they're sitting, and maybe backgrounds for some of the other scenes. Anyway, keep it going!


PompousSloth responds:

I really appreciate the fully fleshed-out review. I chose thicker lines because they're easier to control and animate but they do limit the complexity a little, so they're good for amateurs like me. In my next animation I'll look into diminishing the thickness of my lines. Thank you very much for watching and commenting :D

Well that was... random. If there's something more than randomness to this, I'm not getting it! Animation is good though, and great preloader music.


jaykaylives responds:

thanks :)

lmao, Satan doesn't have it easy! The conquest of the world beings with rather unexpected venues. Great animation; a pretty random plot. Keep it going!


Christmas is just the perfect season for a sadistical twist like this, simple idea, great animation. The fact that a present pummels down the chimney with such a blade makes you wonder about Santa... maybe he's really... Satan? O_o Nice work!


Comick responds:

Thanks man glad you liked it :) but I'm not so sure santa gave him that present hahaha

This is a massive guide through the science of our existence! It stays true to Einsteins values on how learning should be simple, too, the answers (but mostly un-answered questions) backed up by an awesome mixture of visuals, both static and animated, and footage from other forms of media. Though I think it's a bit long for a single episode, every bit of it's equally interesting. Keep it going!


Oh, what a miserable and lonely life these creatures must lead, searching for friends and cures yet in the end only living to see their hopes and dreams go up in smoke as they violently explode like kegs of fireworks under the eternal cosmos! Great fakumentary, both narrative (yeah it does remind a bit of Salad Fingers!) and animation, though that miner seems stuck on that one mineral waaay too long. Keep it going!


LinkTCOne responds:

That review was poetry my friend :) Glad you liked it :)

That jaw, lmao, I thought that was going to be whole point of the story... great workt hough, on the voice acting, the crazy facial expression, the somewhat detailed background city and lightning strikes, nice work!


So sad. :( Not the ending I was expecting, but it was nicely done, though the fade effect leaves me wondering if he's maybe just imagining things. I think walking away would've been more effective... but maybe that's just me. The snow effects falling down are great, especially with the camera angle upwards its surprisingly realistic! Character motions are all smooth, the voicing melancholy, the music melodic. Maybe the facial expressions could convey more emotion, but it's good as is too. Keep it going!


dominiichan responds:

he actually came back to that same place to remember... so I guess it was a flashback?
either way thanks a lot XD

Haha, best drive-in video yet, and good variation to the more narrative Balgar episodes lately. Love the Scooby-Dooish chase scene, and the grand escape. Great conversations, twisted humor, keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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