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Haha, so yeah, death and death again! Simple but genius idea, and the action is plentiful. Gotta love that little blue blob of devestation. Keep up the great work!


Oh, wow, why haven't I watched this already! This is intense, great effects, great choice of music, even some great voice acting added to the early stages. Without this trailer, I'd probablyu have missed this series. Good going!


Man this song brings back memories! Great animation to go with it, very expressive and varied, even though them piggytails feel like a bit of a distraction. Otherwise it's all good, beautiful.


A lot of voicing, but not a lot of animation. Towardds the end that guy to the left is just standing there while the rest of them just keep on gging. Entertaining, but not too far done. WIP would be more okay in a stage where feedback could be provided, not sure what I can give here other than... add some animation? :P Keep it going!


Those fatalities were always the most fun part to watch of that game. :) And this provides a grand selection of them too, all of them creative and original, well almost. Even the credits were fun too watch, hah, keep it going!


This is damn near cinematical quality, in the animation, the voice action, and even more in the sound effects and music that seem like they were taken straight from a real trailer. Plotwise it reminds me of Batman and first, and then a bit of Max Paybe, but the character looks more like Spawn than either of those. Maybe it's a mesh of titles, and maybe it's unique, but the main thing is it looks great! I'll be waiting for the real thing!


Hehe, that bottle in the eye, that's just hilarious! :D Like the fact that the devil grows as soon as he falls to temptation, and the Cerberus fighting with itself over a bone, as always there's plenty of parody in this, and an off mixture of character too. Nice work!


Dan the Man! He's done it again! Not that he actually manages to do anything in this one, it's all the girl's bravur and accomplishment. The action seems to move up a notch for each episode, and the party, haha. Feels like this one has more of a plotline than the previous ones, everything follows a logical order. Looking forward to the next one!


When he knocked over that pen I was wondering how he'd poisslbe be able to write anything. Awesome work though, so... random and likeable. Intentional Die Hard parody, or is that just a name out of the blue? Keep up the good work!


Haha, a new Versus animations favorite has appeared! :D No blood, but still plenty of action, and plenty of comedy, and all of it just a bit crazier than the norm. The fact that no one actually dies, well apart from that plane full of people, makes the ending all the more entertaining somehow. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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