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I wouldn't mind watching more of these. XD Though, there's only so far you can go without Jesus actually changing his ways hmm... or meeting more people to do the same things too... well, maybe there's some opportunity for walking on water and making it rain fish and such stuff too. Do like the idea.


Jonimator responds:

Thanks for the review, glad you enjoyed :) We've actually got 11 episodes currently drafted (though whether or not they'll all come to fruition is anyone's guess!)

So random. XD I ear ya. Good stuff. Was thinking the animation wavered a bit too fast at first, but I guess you get used to it. Or the style really works the more abstract it gets. Tis a trip.


StephenHutchins responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! New episode drops tomorrow

Well that was strangely depressing... another icon bites the dust. And ain't that the truth, too...


You've definitely come a long way, however you started out! Pretty epic intro. The characters really shift into less-epic-looking counterparts at the end there though. XD Does get me curious about the rest of the show... solid work.


The tension shifts between the different scenes are pretty perceptible, from the dialog, to the bits of motion, with more people looking on... I like the detail level with everything here, the keys, the shelves, everything falling. Item amounts are limited but everything really feels alive with how it moves, and how you mix the motions with still drawings with even more life, building up the setting with brooding color, darkness and always a sense of motion in the scenes. Black speech bubbles didn't seem as relevant at the start, but it goes well with the theme... sometimes they seem to push their way into the picture in a strange way though.

As for the plot... dark! Really darker than I expected. When the old man comes along I wonder at first if he might be God, but it appears he's just an old man, waiting for the inevitable end without actually taking a stance against it. It feels like both a bit of wisdom and bad advice: to not try to change that which awaits just because someone tells you it's certain. I feel you should always do everything you can. Until the end. But: very moody animation... and with a message too.


Adivolah13 responds:

Thanks for your comment, mate.
I'm flattered.
I always try to improve my animation skills, composittion, framing, etc

I wanted to make a positive story with "dark make up", i hope you know what i mean with that.
It's okey to try your best and don't give up, but sometimes we need to accept the things that are out of our control and be okey with it.
Leting things go is important and part of growing up.

That's what i think today, probably tomorrow i'll change my mind.

"It's all in the mind" - Harrison.

Actually blew you off for a boat motor during a meteor shower? :O Hope not.

Definately an animation that deals with a new kind of problems here, and with a tank-kind of hybrid creature that almost seems to be a partial homage to NG too! :) Enjoyed this. The volume feels a bit imbalanced, but entertainment value: top notch.


Hey thank you for the special thanks! Realized I had this bookmarked... been a while. Twas a fun little adventure once again, though does end on a pretty sudden note... sequel hopes. Simple fun. Animation could be a bit more detailed, but sound effects at least are really on point. Not bad at all.


stevetherapper responds:

You’re welcome! I was 10, but thanks for the review. So far, I’ve made progress with animation, and throughout the years I’m getting better at lip syncing, although it’s still a bit hard. But thanks! I will work on a sequel, after I finish Valor’s World 7.

Though the water cube seemed a bit more elaborate and complex this was really cool too. Definitely relaxing. So smooth details too, with the shadow around the flame flowing like water from it. Any more of these on route?


k7vin responds:

nothing with this kind of vibe i'm afraid, but def more super short form entertainment/ storytelling

Lettuce salad is the best ballad though. XD Such a random little glimpse into the lives of these two yet again, yet in a place that seems to be high competition to their own home base... wonder if there might be something about that later on. Good fun, though almost seems it's cut short a bit. Bit short. Ant problem left unmanaged and all. But then again the mysterious workings and endings of these here episodes are part of the charm, Parmesan...


Would be cool if it was. .) Seems like pretty much any other summer anime fan service episode out there but... I do like those episodes. Would be cool.


Bamboo Shoots!

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