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It's not a perfect loop after all but... it's okay! It's alright. Certain other qualities of animation and character showcase do redeem this one particular shortcoming that could've otherwise perfected this particular potentially-greatest-introductory-start-menu-sequence-in-a-game-ever intro. If ever a Chutney game does come to be... well, I'd love to play a game like that. Fo rizzle. A game with all these guys in it to boot, that'd be pretty cool, a little platformer craze based on the greatly accomplishing traits of collecting loot, avoiding swinging axes, thundering hoofs and all sorts of excess ladders and chutes? Maybe we could fundraise something to make the idea more than moot? Just an idea Chute(ny).

Anyway I love this. Always an honor to be a part of it.


ChutneyGlaze responds:

you made my life with this comment!

Good thing real life isn't really like Dark Souls! Not bad, though thumbnail seems a bit misleading, really doesn't match the footage...


Well that was a nice surprise. :) Smooth results. Jus missing: sound.


Entertaining little venture into the dark worlds of the parallel dimension in a search for a voice she could've easily avoided hmm... taking the hard way towards easy goals, but good fun to watch. Will stay tuned...


Sounds interesting. :) What's the story behind that tattoo? Favorite drinks? Thoughts on the theories as to aliens creating Earth and sculpting us in their image? Intrigued for the first episode...


Those brownies hmm, don't think you did them the right way. XD Been eating those for years at this point... pretty much the best gluten-free recipe I've stumbled upon thus far. Just: lots of chocolate. Good stuff otherwise, but missed the mark a bit with that bit IMO.


BobTheGodly responds:

Well did you make yours with real sugar because having a brownie taste like diet soda is terrible. Not to mention sugar melts and caramelizes making things tasty. Splenda tastes like splenda even in the fires of hell. And as for the chocolate, it was cocoa powder, no cocoa butter, no sugar. Just bad decisions and shame.

That bad chemistry duality hmm. :) Nice. It had some fun bits and pieces but also... kinda dark and depressing ones too! Bit more Scandinavian humor I guess. Almost 4recognize the language hmm. ;) Love how expressive it all is, and the stereotype characters... with twists. Not a bad take on the old classic!


Getting some real Parasite Eve vibes from the music when it starts kicking off here, but the animation's something totally different. Love the fluency, the color, the transformation and blend of both bizarre and beautiful.

I feel it started a lot more polished than it ends though - maybe time and energy ran out? But it was a trip. Just wish it would've reached an even greater crescendo.


Shaggy as a superhero... I like this idea! :D That battle turned out way shorter than I hoped, but superfluent. One punch, too. Nice work.


It's an actual thing! XD Credit-inclusive photo very much required for this. But although the credibility of these events seem somewhat uncertain... love it. Awesome beard too.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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