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Really miss these days of interactive Flashes! So many Easter Eggs to pick up on. Seemed massive enough I thought it'd be longer but: good fun all the way. Props on the extras.


Seems like you started out with the best of all. :)

Creative showcase though! You work with water pretty well in particular, so smooth bits whenever the elements are involved, and transformative work overall, fun to look at, you'd just expect a bit more backgrounds and complete pieces. keep it going!


Interesting experiences in large part thanks to interesting friends, it seems! Don't think I've ever hung out with possessed people before, at least not at sleep-overs... good stuff.


Aaah it's a Minecraft reference! Got it. Characters just didn't look square so impossible to make connection automatically!

Good fun. Good bounce. Not always suitable but somewhat-entertaining VA work when not! The girl I mean. Nice. No further comments.


Started wondering if the highest layer might not be Hell after he almost bled out on the one before it. :) Like if you go too far with temptation it really will be the death of you, and if you go even further... I guess it was, in a way! Love the symbolism. The style with the intro/outro too. So different. So expressive. So fluent too. And sensual at times... understandable the teachers might've had a hard time with it. XD Hope you did get good grades after all... work of art.


If this wasn't made by the one and only Krinkels I'd have something to say about the so very unconventionally split up faces. XD It's like the Saladfingers and Weeble style merged with Madness...

Feels like you just opened a real floodgate here! Endless new opportunities. Reinventing the whole realm. Good stuff.


lmao. XD If this wakes people up a bit that'd be a bonus too... good stuff.


Feels like this has potential to be a whole series. :) So likable.


In a way it feels like all the short ones were just all leading up to this... and those voice actors, what? For real?! Unexpectedly high caliber talent if so, the mickey/goofy bits of the lines make it seem like ti couldn't possibly be for any other context either... but maybe those particular bits were added in and the real voice is from elsewhere... can't help but be skeptical.

It's masterful though. The memory of the fish comes across strongly too. First encounter with death. Such ambience with the breeze, and the way it flaps around helplessly... amazing soundtrack as usual too. Ambiguous end. Didn't leave me as melancholy as some of your other stuff but feels like a pinnacle of sorts. Wholesome. Great work.


What an ending. :) Wouldn't have minded another 45 episodes though...

The credits too. I miss the transition twist but this be good too.


k9 responds:

maybe we should do a shitty movie half a decade later like el camino lol

Bamboo Shoots!

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