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Was expecting something like this, but the combination cooking and these trademark ingredients... there's just something about those that should maybe never be combined. XD Well put together, but that which would typically come across a bit more fun comes across a bit more disturbing with this one...


A title derived by footware? This sure was bizarre, a gremlin of expressive dwelling and evil intent... wonder what it all means. That we should care more about our lives? That we best not go around wondering when it'll be over when the end might be just around the corner after all? Makes you think...


It starts good, but kinda lost the ending, played a few times but still can't quite catch what they're saying there... something about him not having a passport I guess? Feels like it'd be the perfect time for punchlines...

But aha. Re-animation thing. Useful description info y'know. Good animation.


Clever catchphrase. :) I do agree, yet the potential for oppression's no joke either. It'd be too easy for the state to keep people in check a bit more than normal even after this is over. If people had half a brain there'd be no need for such surplus of restrictions though...

Did get the rant I was hoping for, so props, even if I hoped it'd delve even deeper into all the problems this pandemic might be bringing about, not only this ever present, by pandemic made all more prevalent, naivete and disregard. Good stuff.


Really miss these days of interactive Flashes! So many Easter Eggs to pick up on. Seemed massive enough I thought it'd be longer but: good fun all the way. Props on the extras.


Seems like you started out with the best of all. :)

Creative showcase though! You work with water pretty well in particular, so smooth bits whenever the elements are involved, and transformative work overall, fun to look at, you'd just expect a bit more backgrounds and complete pieces. keep it going!


Interesting experiences in large part thanks to interesting friends, it seems! Don't think I've ever hung out with possessed people before, at least not at sleep-overs... good stuff.


Aaah it's a Minecraft reference! Got it. Characters just didn't look square so impossible to make connection automatically!

Good fun. Good bounce. Not always suitable but somewhat-entertaining VA work when not! The girl I mean. Nice. No further comments.


Started wondering if the highest layer might not be Hell after he almost bled out on the one before it. :) Like if you go too far with temptation it really will be the death of you, and if you go even further... I guess it was, in a way! Love the symbolism. The style with the intro/outro too. So different. So expressive. So fluent too. And sensual at times... understandable the teachers might've had a hard time with it. XD Hope you did get good grades after all... work of art.


If this wasn't made by the one and only Krinkels I'd have something to say about the so very unconventionally split up faces. XD It's like the Saladfingers and Weeble style merged with Madness...

Feels like you just opened a real floodgate here! Endless new opportunities. Reinventing the whole realm. Good stuff.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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