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Now what's a Sheepo...


Instant classic. XD Wonder if this idea's been done before in some other context...


Thought that 420 reference would be left to the viewer. :P This was, hmm... pretty short and lacking a punchline compared to some of these... hope you aren't running out of inspiration in these quarantinable self-isolated covid times! Still entertaining though...


lmao. XD Love how these always go the way I least expect them too... though was hoping the other dude would still get a kick of karma at least at the end there. Like a bottle cap just flies off from the other dude and hits him in the eye or something... just something.

But good stuff. Noble dedications too.


Brain's never ready huh. XD The Sergio Show still going strong hmm, with episodes all the more relevant to the recent worldwide toilet paper crisis... can't shit on the entertainment factor. Not bad.


Real tears in the audio too hmm... hopefully not a real scenario here depicted in cartoon form!

Was expecting eventual comedy but it really was sad all the way. Appreciative wordplay, but I kept expecting some kind of twist towards the end, something to light up the mood a bit, a full turn/reaction kind of thing... seems like he's even more distressed with how that's all the cat's thinking about, or just doesn't respond to it, or maybe that inner turmoil is a turn just waiting to happen... hope for the latter.

Would've been real nice with some kind of conclusion though.


jackbliss responds:

Thanks so much for your review my friend. Sometimes in life there is no happy or sad ending but just living moment to moment to the best of our ability which is what I wanted to capture in this animation. The story and real tears were shed inspired from my wife's story of how she survived her tragic childhood and suicidal thoughts by reminding herself that there would be no one to feed her cat if she died.

It really started with a bang this year! And thus far... it still hasn't ended.

Was planning to just review all of these in one swoop but there really was a lot of these. Running out of potentially entertaining responses. Good stuff though. It begins well.


Careful you might get some coronavirus on that bat! :O The coronavirus may also be splattered peripherally as a result of undue explosion!!! Before bashing unwanted guests one needs to wield protective headgear at least. Stay healthy now.


That's how it's done!


At least it ended on a brighter note than the next one!

Maybe they might reunite yet again, in a warm and tearful embrace, regretful of earlier woes and meals left unfinished, the lack of attention and boundless love, the simp, the diva, all that could have been but was not, alas... yet it may be fated after all. There is just no other way.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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