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That laugh track was an interesting touch. XD

The detail's are so on point here, the blood splatter on the pigeon and all, and that transformation so swift. Thought it was Nene morphing out of her costume at first but that's a clever layer adding to the twist hmm...

So smooth. Ending music like it could've been from a soap opera too - fits in perfectly.

Happy Halloween y'all!


"Was it worth it?"

I have no idea, think I ought start this story from the beginning, but the detail level here's impressive. With the fight choreography as well as with the weaponry. Extra mags. Reloading motions. Realistic counters. Though initially it just looked a little weird to me with so much room between body and legs on these characters - and it seems they're often a bit unnaturally leaned back - like they're constantly about to lose their balance - those first impressions fade fast. Everything else is impressively thorough. And that style definitely stands out. Unique, yet with similar style of motion and action as with the original Madness.

Good pace. Good sound effects. Good transitions. Good everything. Now to just actually get introduced to the characters the right way... looking forward to more.


Hope this trend catches on again after this! :D

Fun dose of nostalgia, and creative angle on the whole presentation. I keep waiting for a glimpse of your face though, at least for a second! Something integral's just missing without it! XD

Nicely done. May that fancount keep a rising; the content keep surprising!


Mabelma responds:

Jijiji glad you enjoyed it! Yeah tried to keep it as close to the originals from back in the day. Iā€™m not sure if there was any with face reveals but this was suprisingly fun and I might try more live action stuff in the future for sure. Face included.

The sound effects and voice though lmao! XD

The movement's fluent, but those just add so much; somehow make it all the more a real thing. Abridging worlds there.

Great pacing too. Good stuff.


astrong responds:

Thank You.

Was thinking something'd actually happen with Pilz-E in charge though, he seems to be doing pretty well so far...


Wonder how late really was hmm... this was kinda sad wasn't it? But wonderful too...


It got DEEP for a while there! And dark, potentially... but it came full circle again in the end.

Maybe the cat and dog segway was a hint. Two creeds of creatures who don't usually get along, but somehow in this universe they do... and maybe humans can too then? Maybe there can be peace after all.

Man this went deeper than I thought it did... think I'll remember this one. Such a good end, and all just because it had the potential to not be?


So simple, so genius. XD

Good intentions. Good tensions. Good show! Bananas in the best way possible!


What a tasty end. XD This was great. Good build. Great groove. Strong visuals and entertaining fnale. Honored you found use of my simple loops again too, they really transition well along with the others this time, the music definitely steers the mood.


This was fuuuun! Started with a bit cheap humor - had me expecting less - but I love how he subsequently approaches the whole SMB world with a new perspective, even though he is Mario already, and always with that trademark tone. You never know where he's going with something; it's refreshing...

Animation's on point too and there's even that fourth-wall break at the end!

Great work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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