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Got some good melodies going on with the outro there!

Is it just me or are these getting shorter and shorter though, still solid advice though, suppose it's helpful to be concise. And on the flipside of this: some people act like they're smart...

Keep up the good stuff!


He's nigh prophetic ain't he! :D Time for people to start taking Pilz-E seriously...

This was really short though. Could've been a start for... something more.


Well these stories always do entertain at least. XD Simple but effective; timeless humor...


It was all worth it after all huh. XD

Good fun! Was expecting there to be a hand grenade or something similarly deadly in the package - glad that wasn't the case!

Merry Christmas!


What an awesome way to showcase the fans!

The music's upbeat the animation's fast and the merriment a fiery dose of ferocious fun holiday festivity! :) Nice way to end the year! Nice work y'all.


"If we don't stop this madness...'

Such an iconic line. :) Though this is full of iconic lines. And iconic characters. And a soundtrack that'd rival a movies. So good. So good resemblance to the original characters too, though the zombies kinda remind me more of Silent Hill than of this franchise. Wonder who inspired who initially...

Imagine this whole thing as a live action series too, I wonder how far it could reach; how many people would see it, it definitely has the right kind of cast for something even bigger! Though imagine what a budget that'd require... just this must've taken a lot of time.

Awesome work bringing live to the realm for real! Awesome all the way.


What an animation! What a showcase of stopmotion mastery! I wonder how much of this is real, the lights, the fire, the snow blowing in through the door, is ANY of this actual stop motion or is it very authentically looking 3D animation instead, I have no idea, maybe the slightly choppy framerate's proof it's the real deal, but maybe that's factored in to make the animation look like stopmotion too, this is just too good...

And then the plot! And the surprise musical! And the ominous end! This is so much more than I expected it to be, and all of it's so wholesome, so captivating, so fun. Starts slow but really takes you out on a run.

Well done.


A little basic animation - sometimes more so still images than animations, but they transition nicely! You do get a feel for the race.

Would be cool if when Sonic himself moves the background would scroll behind him too, to give the impression he is moving, and that scenes overall were more alive, like the sceneries panned or zoomed, and Sonic himself actually moved, like he does in the first bit.

Feels like you could take this further if you want, it's like a storyboard for a full animation.

Keep it up!


Interesting! This really wasn't the story I'd expected, was thinking it'd be more so a massacre in the bedroom, and when the one guy started being suffocated that might've been the turning point of it all but... it really was a bible story. A somewhat truthful depiction of the events that transpire therein - with an unusual dose of gore compared to other similar reconstructions.

The pace is good, the visuals too, despite the common context it was surprisingly captivating as well... the character banter definitely adds a little to that too. Transitions between the room and the story-related visuals work well, and I recognize some of 'em from the individual art. :) Feels like you're in an inner circle somehow...

I am curious how things might change after this, if this is it, if it's a new kind of interpretation of the holy book, or if there's more to it? Do historical events somehow bridge over to the present eventually? Does it end with a twist? Is there a moral of the story when it's all over? Also curious what EOFS stands for?

Two things I think you could improve a bit:

1. Bigger/clearer subtitles. They might not need to be bigger, but would it be possible to export this with better video quality? As it is the text's a little blurry. Same with the animation itself, though not so important with precise edges there as it is with text/readability.

2. Female voices. XD It adds a comical tone when it's all male but... it'd really add a lot regardless. Maybe you can find some VA here on NG that'd be willing to join in?

Overall this was not at all what I expected, and yet more captivating than I expecting. Animation's good, the subtitles are good - appreciate the added note on for example religious phrase usage in Brazil too - the voicing's good too but kinda strange with the genders.

Good stuff here. Seems there's plenty more to get into... will give the longer ones a shot later on! Curious to see where this all leads.


TheMiamiDeSantos responds:

thanks! EOFS stands for "The Enchanted Ones from Santos" (Santos is a good city here in Brazil, I like to joke and say it's Miami in Brazil). It's an adult cartoon full of humour, social criticism, parodies and such (like Family Guy, South Park, Simpsons, etc). (Christian) religion will be one of the topics covered on the cartoon, as well politics and other society stuff, I did read all the bible and plan to combine some stuff of the christian religion with the cartoon (like the japaneses combine the japanese folklore stuff with their animes), as well other stuff like occultism, satanism, black magic, etc. There are some morals to the stories, i want to let the public thinks about it, but overall it's meant to be an adult cartoon like family guy, south park, etc.
Yeah, the subtitles will be clearer on the next eps, i got some comments about it already. I'm gonna see what i can do about the VA, the next ep will be released soon, it will have an alternative dub version with more people doing the VA i'm gonna see how it will come out.
Once again thanks for your review! And take your time! The other eps are a litle different than this one on many aspects so it will be a different experience for sure!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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