EU really isn't synonymous with Europe though, it's an artificial constraint, made with maybe good intentions but lately imposing all sorts of intercontinental laws that everyone doesn't really agree with. I understand why some would want to leave it, and how difficult it is to do so seems to show what a dysfunctional union it really is. We're not living in1984 here. No supercontinents. Countries should have a semblance of control themselves, and be able to have ties with other countries without having to rely on a unifying monopoly that penalizes anyone who wants to do things their own way, especially when their own way isn't a bad way. The UK's really not North Korea. No need to shame a country for wishing to contribute to its own social order first and foremost, and all surrounding ones secondarily, which seems to be the popular way to go about it.
Anyway good talk. About topics: climate change would be a good one, if you hadn't already in one of the earliest shows... good stuff.