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I love the idea, so many interviews to browse through, a good interface, ambient music, and best of all, the ability to sort submissions by both name and date and views, but I think the interface could use a bit of a usability facelift. Maybe a list-style view of all submissions were you can actually see the names before hovering over a specific file? The way it is it gets hard to find a specific user, or to recognize a name you want to read about without actually browsing through the lot of them. The oldskool diskette layout looks neat but it's not very efficient, an alternative would be appreciable. Same with the oldskool terminal effect for the text, even in fullscreen it's a rather poor choice of font IMO to read full-length interviews in. Works great for titles and interface, but for the main content, would you consider a more common san-serif font? Just some helpful feedback I hope, great work otherwise!


deathink responds:

Thanks man. As for the "list-style" view, I originally intended that. But some of the interview names are very very long, and it kept messing everything up, so i opted to just have the interview number displayed because it was very short. As for a different font, when I showed the codex to the-great-one he mentioned that he would like the ability to have caps by using a different font, but I was obsessed with having it look like an old terminal using only the NEWGROUNDS font. But thanks for your suggestions and comments. you where right on the money about everything :)

This was a fun game, not too challenging, but not too easy either. The physics didn't always work like they should, with the character occasionally pumping into the edges of objects and not being able to move over them or knocking them down instead of walking over them, but that didn't happen very often anyway. The medals add to the rewards in the game too, it was fun to play!


Argh! Level 2-3 is just... impossible. Up till that point it was an enjoyable run though, a simple idea and addicting/varying levels. I like the blue additions, and their so sympathetic expression when you crash into them. One great way to improve this game would be medals, that would add some extra reward, but it's still a fun play. Nice work!


For a while there I was starting to wonder if this was an eternal game, but then... Victory! :D I like the idea, and being the god on top of the world, watching the peasants climb up like Mario fencing for Donkey Kong. It's a great idea, simple to control with a mouse only, and with the catchiest music I've heard in a while to accompany it. Nice work!


Seems like another upgrade on the previous game, this time with a larger selection of weapons, much catchier music and... that's all. I like the games, but since they don't contain any independant plotlines, aren't they technically version differences and not sequels? Still a good play though, keep it going!


This must be one of the most inclusive shooters I've ever seen in Flash. Just the option to set the keys yourself is one I can't recall seeing anywhere els, though the massive amount of keys you need tm memorize makes it a bit harder than the regular one at the same time. I think I'd have prefered a single-person shooter instead of one of those tem-based army-shooters,, but all the same it's a great game. Tons of enemies, levels, missions, and a game engine that works perfect. Great work!


Can I get the highscore? That gives room for a suggestion: highscores. Using the API to make a leaderboard for the game would really be a great feature. The game itself works well, the pace is fast enough, the movements smooth. The only thing it's missing is some kind of reward system, or some variation. I like the fact that you don't die if you hit the edges though, picking up the corner squares are usually the hardest parts of games like this. Nice work!


That was a fun adventure. :) It's nice that the items you get are mostly part of a logical chain of events as well, apart from the ones not really seen until you get them. The start is really the only part where there's nothing to look at that you need to use, but after that it's a combination of fun and logic. Good game!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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