I love the idea, so many interviews to browse through, a good interface, ambient music, and best of all, the ability to sort submissions by both name and date and views, but I think the interface could use a bit of a usability facelift. Maybe a list-style view of all submissions were you can actually see the names before hovering over a specific file? The way it is it gets hard to find a specific user, or to recognize a name you want to read about without actually browsing through the lot of them. The oldskool diskette layout looks neat but it's not very efficient, an alternative would be appreciable. Same with the oldskool terminal effect for the text, even in fullscreen it's a rather poor choice of font IMO to read full-length interviews in. Works great for titles and interface, but for the main content, would you consider a more common san-serif font? Just some helpful feedback I hope, great work otherwise!