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The creepy music in the background adds some intensity to an otherwise more comical game. The animations are all smooth, and hitting the ball is easy, but apart from that it seems a bit up to chance how you hit it... or maybe there's a pattern you can get used to. Simple fun, though. Keep it going!


Even though there's not much to customize (around two options for each stage in the game making process), it's an awesome idea! Imagine a feature within this allowing you tu upload or draw your own sprites for the background, character, etc... maybe even a simple music maker to compose your own beat from a set of samples, at a rate of choice... or just upload a custom track. Great as it is, but it could be even more amazing. Keep it going!


In terms of gameplay, this is just perfect, simple controls, easy combos, addicting action where the foes move at the perfect speed, in the perfect amount, just the right challenge (at least in casual). Even after playing for a while it seems like there are still new upgrades to find, great variaty in both the power-ups and in the enemies you battle. Pretty catchy track too, keep it going!


Another fun maze game appears, with somewhat fewer, but easier earned medals. The mazes did seem a bit harder/longer in this one, but overall there's not much new content. How about increasing the number of mazes next time around? Ten? Keep it going!


Haha, whgat a sick and brutal game, a main character who performs all sorts of twisted rituals on the vicious foes. seems like a fun and regular-paced arcade brawler, with the occasional combo attack upgrade, easy to learn fighting controls, and a not-so-important but still fun-to-follow plot mixed in. Nice work!


SeethingSwarm responds:

Glad you liked it and thanks for the cool review! :)

Woo, nice, it's like a bit more brutal version of Angry Birds. I like the medieval style of artography, and the music that fits the theme. In terms of gameplay it's just perfect, easy to learn, fun to play, and with a large set of levels in the classic Angry-Birds manner of layout. Nice work!


Well this was a fun change to the regular physics games. Instead of just protecting or destroying someone, you're trying to wake up a grumpy block. Fun idea, and fun levels. It's all just a lot of fun. The music is almost too clowny for me, but apart from that it's great. Nice work!


Ah, it's out! Seems to be working well too, though it feels like the levels need a more consistent design, the character needs less HP, the enemies need to jump around less, the edges of starting blocks are a bit abrupt, and there should be some instruction towards the end that you need to press down to get through a door. Otherwise, this has a lot of potential. If you could integrate the level editor within the game, and make it so that users can save their levels online (maybe using the API?) that would add TONS of re playability to this! But first, how about a more consistent tile set and design? Ability to chose the background image would be nice too. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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