Woo, made it, finally! :D This was a fun ride, though it's just overflowing with bugs. On the plane levels, the hit area of the plane seems to be larger than the plane really is, so you collide with walls even if you don't actually hit them (though you don't die anyway so that's OK), on the level with the bull you need to wait for the smoke to clear between each bomb to actually drain as much HP as you have to to finish the level, and on the boss you really have to hit the right area or the suit will disappear while the arm remains and shoots at you, you can jump down and get the flag on the ground, but can't finish the level... these minor disturbances set aside though, it was good fun, lots of variation, fan bosses/voice acting and a different kind of layout. Not too long either, and it's got medals! :D Keep it going!