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I usually love dirtbike games like this, but this was one was... hard! Also seems to lag a bit on my computer. I refreshed the game after the first session, and six levels in the music hasn't started playing at all. Guess that's a bug? The 'rotation' controls are a bit hard, at times it seems they have no effect, and when you spin upside down the directional keys seem to have a reverse order all of a sudden, makes doing a flip pretty confusing. I got to level 6 though, despite the challenges (guess it was a moderate dosage of challenge) but at this point I just can't get further. No matter how much I try to grip that initial wall, I cannot jump far enough. Not sure if it's lag or lack of technique, but that's where my venture ends! :/ Also, bit weird seeing the bike without drivers, and latter levels without backgrounds. It looks good initially, but I can't help feel like it's somewhat incomplete; could be a lot more fun to play. Keep it going!


larrynachos responds:

Ah, The music bug is because construct 2's audio preload behaviour sucks, and it returns a success prematurely. I haven't experienced this problem, and I don't think others have either (it might be a problem with your computer, because you also said that you couldn't play dead defense, correct?). This game was made super hard on purpose (it takes me roughly half an hour to complete). On level six, don't try to grip the wall. What you want to do is hold down the W key a split second after the level loads, which will make your bike do a wheelie. Just keep accelerating until you're off the ramp. If the bike begins to correct it's posture in midair, that means you did it right.

The physics were a bit wonky, because construct 2's physics system is pretty simple. The rotations invert because of the way the bike is spinning in midair. I'll fix it in any potential sequel I might make.

If you don't see the backgrounds, that means your computer is a butt and can't handle large images. The backgrounds were like 5000 pixels wide, so some systems can't handle it.

Thanks for the review, man!

This was a fun tower defense game! I thought the graphics seemed a bit basic at first, but as I should've known it's not about just graphics. The gameplay is great, no fuzz with upgrades and rewards, just basic placement and element tactics, and plenty of varied levels and foes. Simple, fun; challenging. Nice work!


Seems like there's a white border on the right side of the canvas, is that supposed to be there? The game itself is real nice, happy music (apart from the fights, suitable music there too); comfortably pixel world and a simple routine to get into. Work, rest, work, rest, buy weaponry, battle, eat, work, rest, eat work, rest... each opponent requires some upgrading and additional money. Haven't gotten far enough to know yet if it gets monotone in the long run, but so far so good. Small adventure-type SIMs like this are a bout of fun. Keep it going!


feyninja responds:

Thanks for your compliment!

I like the way his head titles when you look around! Makes you feel more involved as a player, somehow. Most exploration games don't even show the main character, but it's nice having him there. Also really interesting style of surroundings. Plenty to look at, plenty to explore; not a bad intrigue either. Nice work!


I like the low-res graphics, the ambient background music and shuffling sound when you walk... but the plot's lost on me. I ran out into the desert chasing some other moving critter and then, it was just desert everywhere... some kind of guide would've been neat. Also an intro that tells you what to do. I was expecting the introductory text to transition away, but apparently you had to click it! Still, seems like a potentially fun game, just a bit confusing if you're not willing to take time to introduce yourself.


Oh, there's a special ending if you don't get killed huh... maybe I'll try it again later on! Played through it twice, kinda. First time, I didn't collect all the apples! Argh! Too much of a hassle to go back. Second time I got killed just once. Bummer. Never by that bad apple btw, but that was a fun detail. The controls are easy, though it'd have been nicer if you didn't have to continually press the keys and could hold them down to keep sliding in a specific direction. It's a bit of a time-consuming game considering the reward, though it's not so long you give up, and the challenge is just right if you play to survive unscathed. Graphics are a bit eh... on the simple side, though that final screen wasn't too bad eh. :P Twas a fun play!


Knuckstrike responds:

Getting all the apples is kind of the easter egg in this game. You didn't think you'd beat the game by finding a tent did you? :]

I thought about implementing a feature where you could just hold the arrow keys and got through but since that's only really useful in about two places and it kind of ruins the long stroll towards the end I decided to leave it out.

Yeah, I worked really hard on the graphics of that final screen. Glad I got some recognition.
In my first two years of high school I made it through with an insufficient for both drawing and the claying lessons as my only insufficients so you could say drawing isn't a strong suit of mine...

Thanks for leaving a review Cyberdevil.

This was a pretty strategic game, so many options and upgrades to sift through! And it easily goes sour if you don't focus on the right things from the start. The layout makes sense, and the interface looks good, as do the graphics that play somewhat automatically as you move through them, but I feel the text isn't the most readable one, would've been useful with one as clear as the dynamic ones, even in pixel style. Also, some kind of guide. Would make delving into the game a lot easier, and knowing if you're playing it like you're supposed to. Story would enrich as well, cutscenes and plot, etc. Keep it going!


Simple fun! It's a nice twist on the classic lander games, with plenty more variation in how you need to carry the smileys through the levels rather than just steer your craft. Slick graphics, music, controls; everything!


I liked the intro, the creative mesh of patters and characters - rather unusual. The gameplay itself is pretty straightforward, simple and fun, but not as varied or effectual as it could be. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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