
4,838 Game Reviews

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A clever game! The concept of filling in spaces seemed easy at first, but with moving shapes, dots following you, a color to avoid, it becomes all the more challenging! Each level's a different obstacle too. Fun, addicting and at times a bit frustrating too, specially attempting to gather all stars. Good game!


I like the idea of building up the ship with modules, getting only so far for each run, upgrading, going further... haven't played a sapce game with this setup before, only ones where you're attempting to break through the atmosphere. A bit slow start, but it picks up quick! Fun game.


A nice expansion for a nice game! Nice work!


A flawless pixel platformer, with just the right amount of challenge! I tried getting to the hidden door on Credits before even starting the levels, but... it seemed impossible! After trailing my way past even Level 10 however, it was a real piece of cake, practice makes perfect! :D One little potential bug I noticed: when choosing the L/WASD control scheme, the 'More Games' door doesn't want to open at all. Overall, this was a great play! Graphics, controls, the little entertaining descriptions for each door... it all works at building up an awesome adventure! Nice work!


Argh, last level and I accidentally click! -_- Well, I made it through again. It's a good thing the game's not that long! Difficultywise it was pretty balanced, though the first level seemed harder than a few of the ones after (coordinating on uneven paths is harder than the more mechanical or naturally curved ones, it seems), and that last one was way hard. Feels the button between levels is a bit counter-productive though. I mean, why click to get to the next level, when you don't click to restart? It's easy to make a mistake! Oh, and graphics aren'the best, but it was a fun game. That's what counts!


Different! :D Love the nose puns, and the variation between each levels, how the arrows start overlapping, coming from different directions etc. Especially the WASD part was pretty difficult, co-ordinating between a set of letters rather than arrows - where each key is a pre-determined direction already. It was fun though, and fun cutscenes between and in the levels, something going on all the time - if you have the time to watch it! Nice work.


Hmm, you didn't even need to unlock bigjonnymode to get the easter egg medal! :O Found that one first, so took a while to realize I had to turn that off to get the others. Ah well, gave me plenty of time to browse through and appreciate these masterful images! Nice work.


Took a while to find that 7 in the first image! :D Nice idea for a game, and nice art to go with it. The 'Hunger Games' haha, nice one! Wonder if you have any more number finders planned? I liked the idea, though it'd be entertaining with different scenarios and different things to search for. I guess find-the-objects is an overflowing genre though. Keep up the good work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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