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Played the game with FF, and I don't 'think' I'm missing any tiles... should maybe try it on Chrome too to see if there's a difference. I do appreciate the in-game message though, a lot of these games seem to bug out in different browsers without notice or knowledge of it.

Nice story, nice sketchy style on the upgrade screen, catchy music, overall it's a pretty fun and light-hearted game. Haven't dug that deep yet, but I can dig it! Nice work!


Feels like you glide a bit too much on all types of surfaces, like you're moving on ice, but apart from that minor aspect of the game it's a fun and fluid experience. Controls are great, fast-paced and smooth, graphics varied, with detailed backgrounds, simple puzzles and progressive obstacles, even a basic story mixed in. Nothing incredibly new, but it was a fun adventure!


Ahh this reminds me of a similar puzzle platformer I just played. Similar in concept, but the level design; levels themselves are entirely different. Graphically, this is definitely the superior one out of the two too. Fluid game mechanics and challenging gameplay, nice work!


Hmm... I wouldn't have minded a little rules to start things off! Or some feedback, so you know even if you do wrong that the game at least recognizes the action, and isn't maybe... frozen? It starts with a screen featuring a box with a triangle arrow pointing downwards, and a circle, and though I've tried dragging, clicking and pressing all keys... nothing seems to happen? Either I'm really missing some of that supposedly innovative core logic here... or it's not working for me. Seems interesting though.


campugnatus responds:

I'm sorry, that's a bug :\ The square must be clickable. The easiest way around it is to try playing in another browser.

Number of people reported this problem already but I cannot pin it down. On all of my systems/browsers everything works fine. I'll add a note to the description.

Not a bad escape game at all! Visuals are nice and varied, there's plenty of puzzle; though not the most innovative story, there is one that compels you to move along. Good game!


Was thinking there was no music at all until I read the review below. Definitely feels like it could use a little boost in volume! As for the game itself, it's great. Clever concept, with levels where the obstacle is the level itself, forming it to suit your own progress. It starts simple and takes a while before the difficulty significantly increase - when new kinds of obstacles start getting introduced, but the level of challenge feels balanced, never too much, and I like how each puzzle is contained in its own room. Good game!


I suppose the title should've made it clear what this SIM was all about, but it was still a bit of a shock when I jumped into the plot and realized what type of RPG I was playing. Though cleverly the player plays the creator, rather than himself, which makes it much easier to adapt to the unusual (well, if you aren't used to it) situation. The parental conversation goes from a bit comical to pretty harsh, I was expecting more humor, but it gets brighter towards the end. And whichever way it goes, it always remains entertaining, even through the darkest times. The conversation feels very dynamic, like you're really a part of it, with both naturally and cleverly phrased responses, puns, etc. Feels like there's a lot of different choices too, though considering how the ending all leads to the same choice, I suppose that might be an illusion of freedom, with different choices of conversation adding pieces of speech before they move onto the same topics. Either way, the sense of freedom; choice is great, and the interface itself is pretty interesting, like an emulated conversation in real life via form of digital chat. Graphics are pretty basic, but it's all slick and stylishly minimalistic. In the end a surprisingly good, and really unusual game!


A series of clever and nicely animated puzzles! Was almost puzzled enough to quit playing even on the second one, with the ice, but... in retrospect it was so easy at that point! The first 'Start' puzzle worked almost like a tutorial, getting you in the mood for the rest of the game. I like the simple graphics, I like the background game... I like it!


seanjames responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. And thanks for playing!

This was a pretty neat pixel platformer! I like the oldskool style, though personally I do like the modern style of sprites even better, the smoother style, with less noticeable transitions with tiles, etc. But since you're going for emulating the style of old, it works well! Bit annoying how you jump higher when you speed up, since precision jumping is easier when you're standing still, but otherwise the game mechanics work well. And it's a wholesome adventure, with plenty of variation in sceneries and foes, nice work! Btw, also missing the music!


Pipeweed responds:

Thank you! Let me know it the music is working now, i tried to fix the issue by adding the music in multiple formats. :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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