A nice track! Feels much more complete than the others in some way, great rythem, great beat, great everything. A bit short, but otherwise without any faults at all, keep it going!
A nice track! Feels much more complete than the others in some way, great rythem, great beat, great everything. A bit short, but otherwise without any faults at all, keep it going!
What a pointless beat, heh, might fit nicely in a flash though. Starts of simple but gets better and better as it goes along, nicely grooving, keep it going. :P
Lol, maybe, thanks anyway.
A nice piece of music, smooth and ambient, perfect as background music for flashes, etc. I've had this playing over and over a few times now, while working on other stuff, nice and smooth. On an unrelated note, I'm amazed that you haven't recieved a single review on the past 5 or so tracks you've submitted, heh, must have more. Keep it going!
Another grovy trancey track, has a kind of mysterious touch to it, magic, dark. Anyhow, great beat, bass, melody, keep it going!
Fastpaced and ambient, a good steady beat in the background and nice variational music atop of that. It really doesn't change that much all the way through, but it would fit perfectly as background music in some flash, keep up the good work!
A good track, it flows along nicely. Starts of smooth and simple and gets lots of progressive updates a long the way. Sounds universal in away, outerly planetary, ambient, great stuff!
Nice indie track, I love the hackyback intro beat and the progression from there, has a twisted flow to it, experimental, sounds great. Keep it going!
Thanks man! Glad you liked it!
Was really fun to put together.
I like! A nice funky track! Great melodyk great mix of instruments, lots of variation and smooth sound quality as well. Love it, keep up the great work!
Thanks! We will keep making songs for your ears don't you worry!
Haha, great track, it's god rythem! Great melody, great combination of different instruments, great flow, keep it going going!
We will!
I like, haha, really nice beat in this. It gets even better once the synth/piano kicks in, it's nice hearing some real instruments for a change, most stuff around here is all electric . . . at least this sounds pretty authentic. Great flute too, both ambient and fastpaced, love it, keep it going!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04