Australia does seem pretty awesome! Home to some of the coolest dudes in the world. Hemsworth (the multiple), Crocodile Dundee, Dom Tomato & co, certain creative Internet icons on the greatest slumbering social media and content community of all time... should've asked more about life there hmm, seems it can be a dangerous place to live too though. Ever had any deadly arachnids or smaller if not lethal maybe at least uncomfortable-to-encounter animals reside in your shoes? Memorably wild experiences with either local people or animalia? Maybe something for another episode...
Glad you got away from them substances anyhow, sounds like you've experienced quite a bit. And hell yeah re:NG. Competition pales in comparison. I'm confounded by how more people don't end up choosing this over other more soulless social media, but at the same time glad the rest of the Internet doesn't flock here en masse, I'm sure NG could manage more, but at some point of popularity you'd probably lose some of that so essential consumer/content creator connection that also makes this place so unique...
Great talk y'all, plenty of both controversial and creative points of conversation, critical and oftentimes (IMHO) very astute worldview rambles, and all honest answers @ChillyBite!
Nice work @Aalasteir too on keeping all flowing; active listening and hosting!
Didn't feel like a full two hours at all.
EDIT: I missed the spider comments apparently! My bad, attentiveness must've slipped somewhere... nice art here too btw @TheShokBlok!