A pretty eerie, ambivalent and atmospheric piece! Love the sense of mystery here, the chimes, the reverb; how it all somehow seems to transcend the human realm. Nice!
A pretty eerie, ambivalent and atmospheric piece! Love the sense of mystery here, the chimes, the reverb; how it all somehow seems to transcend the human realm. Nice!
Cheers Cyberdevil
An ambient and uplifting piece! Bright, harmonious and synthy like the eighties, with steady beat and just enough variation to keep it alive without breaking that continuity. A pleasure to listen to!
Well this was. interesting! The pace feels a bit off somehow, but maybe it's just the tone, and it's pretty catchy... it keeps looping, I can't seem to shut it down, hypnotic sound. I can see this being used in some kind of experimental survival-horror-like submissions. Strange and sort of psychadelic stuff!
Ah, thankies :)
A pretty catchy track, though the screeching's a bit sharp IMO, it really takes over when it kicks in, mid-part. Otherwise: nice music!
Thank you! I will kepp it in mind and try to improve it in my next Track.
It starts pretty gritty! :D I like the melody, the screeching, the pace, the distortion and sharpness of the guitar... if it wasn't in the videogame genre I think I'd felt the drums were a bit flat and the guitar not all natural, but with this style it fits. Loops perfectly too! Nice piece. I definitely see this working with a game/movie/something.
A pretty serious piece! I love the strings (probably a great choice going classical over synth), and the jumpy beat, I feel like it reminds me of something I've seen or heard, but I can't really recall what, just get a sense of melancholy I believe is linked to whatever it was I relate it too... or maybe it's just the mood the music voneys.
Feels pompous and unnerving at first, though it's nice how it gets brighter mid-way, Final Fantasy-style, almost as if the march is nearing an end, Death has come and... it's not so bad after all. Acceptance. Departure. Beautiful, bright and somber at the same time... and then the march picks up again! With all the more energy.
Tried to find some flaws to provide feedback on, but nothing comes to mind, it feels complete. Moving, melodic; good music.
Wow thanks! :D
Beautiful! Really like the clean sound in this, natural; uplifting in all its simplicity. The melody really shines, though not sure the strumming that picks up in the middle is necessary, feels almost better without IMO. When it's pure. Good music.
Thanks man! Idk, just wanted to keep the guitar in because it was there in the original piece.
That 1:14 noise: so awesome. :) Unexpected, fitting, subtle yet so fulfilling! It's all in the details... overall a smooth tune, with plenty of variation and laid-back pace. Easy listening.
Thanks Cyberdevil! :)
Ah, a first track of the year in homage to the grand VicariousE! :D Let's see if he sees it... it's a smooth and jazzy tune with cool groove that keeps the rhythm together; some pretty fragrant blues/rock synth towards the end of it. Nice listening.
wow this was my first track for 2017?? thanks for the review!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04