Tis ok.
For your second real flash its pretty good,keep up the good work!Practice makes perfect!
Tis ok.
For your second real flash its pretty good,keep up the good work!Practice makes perfect!
thans for the support. I remember protecting some of your flashes. I like linkin Park. If I see any more of your flashes ill give you a 5 and i got a pretty high vote.
Yet another kick ass imp episode!It kicks ass!Keep making these and keep up the great work!
Doing my best..:)
Yes!!!Imps back again!!!
Tis great that you keep on making these,like i said 9 times before:IMP kicks ass!Btw,you should make a game about killing smurfs sometime.
Hmm, havent use smurfs in a while now.
And making a GAME?!I had made a pathetic platform game with zody once, and a stupid pacmangame, but it was to much work for little stuff.Programming games suck...But who knows, perhaps i will get a bit smoother with games in the future.Untill then ill continue this way im afraid, bye!
Yes!Phil is back!!!
Great,these kick ass!Out of curiosity,how long time does it take you to make one of these?
It takes about a day if I really sit here and work at but it's getting hard to think of ideas so it will probably be a while before number six is out.
Lost but found.
and im glad you did find it,it was great!Better late than never,You should start on your next christmas flash now though,just in case,heheh.ยจ
Hehe... Yeah! Thanks
Pretty good.
Looks like your pretty skilled at animating,well,at least this had really good animation,keep making these,they kickass!
thanks man
I missed the first one!!!Ive got to go and see that then,i saw the preview for this and that was great,too bad it got blammed...
thx a lot. I'm makin number 3 now.
Pretty good.
The plot is good,and so is the aduio,the only thing you need to work on is the graphics and animation.Im looking forward to the next part,but you should practice some more before you make it so that it gets a little higher score.
thanx cyberdevil I've made the second one a little bit better. and its got voices now, they are crap but I'm not changin them now.
It might be short,but it was pretty funny.and it had really good animation too.
I'm glad I pulled a "hehe" outta ya! ;)
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04