No that ive been waiting for these,i havnt seen any of the old ones,but cince this was so good ive got to go and see them now,be sure to read the reviews for your other ones too!
No that ive been waiting for these,i havnt seen any of the old ones,but cince this was so good ive got to go and see them now,be sure to read the reviews for your other ones too!
Yeah, I replied to the on part 1. I also read your review on the 2nd part, but I can't think of a response at the moment.
and it works now too,heheh.This was great!A lot better then the last one too,im looking forward to the next one.
Thanks Mr.CyberDevil
Well,the animation wasnt too good,but the idea was good and it wasnt too short either,keep practicing and youll get better!
thanks ,some motivation is what i need
i get too much critisicm
pretty good!
yeah,it was pretty good,origianl. too,btw,cool preloader,keep up the good work!
Now thats what i call a good music video!You should make more of these,allthough youve made one like this before,with the same song and the same animation too.keep up the good work!
Thank you, music videos is what I love to make, HELL YEAH
umm...a was disturbing.Keep on with the 50 cent movies instead.
Its ambiguosly gay
You got the idea of the preloader from 50 cents site,right?heheh,well,keep up the good work!The animation wasnt perfect though.
Nah, the preloader was my original idea, before this ive never been to fiddy's site before.
No meaning?I thought it was for that friend of yours,danny.Oh well,it was a good tribute,keep up the good work!
Waxy will keep on being to greatest playa to eva walk da earf.
pretty good.
hehe,another one of your masterpices,Keep up the good work!Btw,good audio!!!Guess thats the point with it though,heheh.
Thanks you and keep on bobbin yo head to HELL YEAH
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04