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That's what happens when you go consumption crazy and credit craving! :P Fun stuff, and fun references all the way through, like SBC towards the end, and Poptart's all over the place at the beginning! Animation's great, the clocks sound just like clocks are supposed to sound, and there's even an unexpected twist and tragedy before that imminent ending. Classic!


MelloYelloClock responds:

Thank you good sir. :)

Each time I thought it was over... it turns out it's just one twist after the other, in escalating levels of explosive action and random revelations! :D I love the idea, and would love to play this in some distant future... but looking at the funding page that is one insane goal... and that half a million is still only for the first episode in a game that to me seems just wouldn't be as explosive without all parts included.

Couldn't you cut out the income tax completely? I don't know how the system works on the other side of the world, but it seems to me that by keeping the venture a hobby project or similar, by not 'officially' hiring people to do parts, by turning to volunteers for effects/audio/etc you could cut down those prices by at least a few chunks easily equal to the yearly wages of any normal working individual. All the pieces of that pie chart just seem so unnecesarily expensive for something that's to be contributed to by the community. I understand that original art and FBF is incredibly time-consuming, and you want to create something out of this world, but this feels like buying a product based on brand rather than functionality, like that much money shouldn't be needed for what's being attempted. Anyway, I read your answer to Wegra's comment so I get your standpoint, just throwing my two cents out there. Best of luck with the project!


vastcool responds:

I'll be updating the kickstarter soon with another video that will hopefully get the point across that this will be an insanely hard game to make. An 11 minute Ren & Stimpy cartoon cost 500,000 and that was in 1992. My budget is not astronomical for this quality of project, as shocking as that may seem to some. The 390k budget simply allows me not to commit suicide while trying to complete this monster project. But instead it allows me to teter on the brink of insanely stressed and over worked for the entire production. If I had a 590k budget, THAT would be far more realistic of industry standards and I would be able to work comfortably, not stressed out and living in ulcer city.

If I were an architect and wanted to build a sky scraper, no one would be questioning my budget because nobody here is an architect and would know very little of what exactly goes into constructing a massive building.

Yet here everyone is chiming in thinking they know how much this game should cost. People are comparing it to Madness and other kickstarters that are completely incomparable to Johnny since Johnny is a one of a kind project not only in art style but story, humor and animation.

How many people here know how much the industry standard is for a Background Artist? How about a clean-up artist or even better yet a Storyboard Artist or Animator? My guess is very few.

I am a 32 year old adult industry working professional. Not a kid making flashes for fun to submit to Newgrounds. Eleven other adult industry professionals would be hired whom I have hand selected as the most talented people that I have met in the past seven years while working at Titmouse, Six Point Harness, Shadow Machine and Nickelodeon.

They do not work for peanuts. They are working industry adults who have families and bills to pay.

If everyone just pledged for the game they want and stopped worrying about the goal we would be a lot closer to a new Johnny game.

Thanks for the comment Cd.

Funky stuff! Would've been fun to compare this to the original one, but I guess it's not uploaded here? Keep it going!


AtomicBottle responds:

The original is actually on my "Atomic Proportions" flash. Although it's only the basic dance.

lol, wasn't expecting that kryptonite! Thought it'd be a parody on those cinematic paradox battles where a well-trained (but regular) dude with high-tech equipment's actually able to match actual unimaginable superhuman strength. Didn't need to have that ending IMO, but it was a fun battle!


raremasta responds:

Thanks! More comin up :D

Another entertaining episode! Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it seems the sound quality in this one was a bit fuzzier, no noise removal maybe? As for content: great work!


Raziberry responds:

Yeah these old ones had awful sound. For episode 8 I got a microphone. Please bear with me.

Cops bugs and bunnies, going to be a batch of rabid rabbit entertainment! Looking forward to it.


uncle-x responds:


That chicken doesn't chicken out! :D Wish this was a real movie, there's so much potential here! Trailer features everything a good movie needs: drama, tragedy, revenge, sacrifice, a valiant battle against the evils of the world... and of course plenty of action! Nice work!


SoreReel responds:

Wow, thanks so much! If one day there is a movie, you'll be the first to get it in bluray XD

A new part every Friday to Halloween sounds like a cool idea! So far, I'm lost. When she woke up in wherever she was, the place with huge organs, I thought she was seeing herself in one of those Happy Coffins. Then when she found the shard I thought she was inside that girl in the hallway, then... I have no idea. Seems like it might be a world without reason, one where seeking explanations is a futile cause! Love the graphical style though, the pixels, the melodic pitches for voices, it's all masterfull! Looking forward to next Friday!


ClockworkPixel responds:

when she falls down the hole and it shows the caskets thats a cut away like a "meanwhile" kinda thing sorry if I didn't make that clear enough :( I was alittle worried people would get confused in part 1 but hopefully part 2 and 3 will clear things up.

Bamboo Shoots!

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