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This is an interesting animation style, a mixture of graphics that look like they've been drawn in some different graphic program, and DBD made directly with flash. It's a venture through varied landscapes and locations, and though it doesn't make much sense at the start, it follows the melody well. Looks like it's the story of a ... ghost? Nice work!


Usually tutorials like this are made in game form, and it probably works best that way since you can move at your own pace, but this was.. a breath of fresh air. :) The intro sequence is pretty entertaining, with Uncle Sam in the mix, and the tutorial is easy to understand as well, even though it's a bit basic for me. Maybe it'll help some beginners. Good work!


Oh... my... GOD! What a horrible horrible story! No really though, it's pretty neat. It's both apathetic and surreal, and as the time goes it gets more and more extreme. The childish voice acting combined with the childish graphics gives it a feeling of naivety and realism, and then the end... that's just awesome. :) Great work!


A Happy and a Scary version, huh, that's a neat feature! I think it's the first time I've seen something like it. As for the animation, frigging awesome, the contrast betweent he extremely lively main character and the extremely apathetic bystander works well, and the idea of a half beard is... genius. :D Additionally, great work with the playback controls, frame skipping, rewinding and everything, it's more than most movies have. Keep it up!


I like the style of animation. The sketch and graident is a nice mixture, creatively different, though at times the FBF moves a bit slow. It's not the animation I was expecting, considering the title (a Worms pun would have been more expected) but it was a fun watch, inspiring and abstract. Nice work!


Haha, these Skullhead episodes are awesome. he's the perfect character for a Hallowwn animation, too, though since it's his genre it's kind of... generic. The plot is random, entertaining and wordlress as always. Gotta love how happy that skull always looks. Keep it going!


Nice. The mixture between real trasterized backgrounds and animated characters works well, and the story? I thought it would be something along the lines of Lassy, but of course this is NG so there's room for plenty of surprise. That's one evil rabbit though, lmao. Nice work!


Hehe, cute puppy, combined with twisted and disgusting main characters, and an ice cream cloud that looks like an incarnation of Satan himself. It all builds up, and when the characters encounter each other, lmao, the plot twists. Awesome ice cream designs btw, creative! :D Nice work!


Haha. I actually rememeber watching this a long time ago. It was hilarious back then, and it still is! The first time the guy makes that sound it cracks me up, and then it just spirals completely out of control. You gotta sympathize with him at the end though, chewing sound all around, lmao. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

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