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The intro sequence is a bit long (how about a skip option for those with little patience?) but at the same time, it builds up the pace for the rest of the movie, calm and harmonious. I like the way the background is always stuck in the background, even when everything else is moving. It's a layered effect that reminds me of box theaters, and creates a both creative and boxed in atmosphere. Animation otherwise is great, and the musical bits and pieces that pop up, like the heavy metal when the guys hand pops out of the grave. Funny stuff. :) The ending is a bit unexpected, short and... sweet? :P Keep up the great work!


Everyone buy everything, lmao. :D Way of the new age!

Gotta love the blocjhead character, so naively nice and sympathetic, but still completely random. :D The animation is smooth, the graphics are awesome, and the sequence of events is just genius. When he nails the spray can, for example, the animation is incredibly smooth, the flow of the running paint, small details like that combined with the regular character lip sync, simple movement and atmospheric scenes build up a really professional animation. Great work!


Gotta love the classy Paragon X9 intro music. :D

It's a nice contrast to the animation itself, which is just... incredibly random, lmao. The graphics would've been a bit nicer if they weren't composed of mostly stick figures, but the plot is still entertaining. Keep it up!


Haha, can't believe I haven't seen this earlier! Though it's not as simple as the original whistle animation, it's just as good, if not better. The way the whistles all gain a life of their own and go out on a venture to punish and hand out judgement, and the portal characters all get involved, it just brings in a lot of nostalgia in the movie. Great music and great animation to go with it, and a theme that really brings me back. Keep it going!


I love this movie. :)

First off, an interesting take on the classic tank logo intro animation, similar but still... fresh. As for the movie itself, the old linear grindhouse style is neat, combined with regular cartoon and just an overall random and humerous plot. The voice acting sucks, but somehow it makes it all the more ridiculous and entertaining. Great work1


RSQViper responds:

The voice acting is top notch! *cries*

Woo, the intro audio sounds almost like Paragon X9. That really adds suspense to the animation, even before it really beginns. The glowing eyes at the beginning are pretty awesome, though the way they start layering they stop looking like eyes after a while. Drawing is pretty simple, but combined with that music it just makes for an awesome animation. I can feel the rush. Keep it going!


A clash between two classics! :D That completely spirals out of control too, lmao. Great animation, great voice-acting, though Dexter doesn't really sound like Dexter (Stewies voice is just perfect, though). Nice adding the parents to the conversation too, if only for a short while. Keep it up!


Toonsmyth responds:

Thanks, man. Glad you appreciate my homage to Dexter. Although calling Stewie "classic" might be a bit of a stretch, but it's what the public demanded. More to come, so stay TOONed!

Might be the first time I watch an animatic, and it worked well. With some lip syncing and more fluid movement it would be even better, but this works well. The transitions between different images combined with the voice acting makes it seem alive anway. Nice style of drawing, and the plot? Well it's... entertaining. :P Keep it going!


maid of the galaxy, taking care of the various orbiting planets and stars, cleaning up dust and debris and entire civilizations, and the music continually building in crescendo. I'm just waiting for the Earth to be incinerated in the rush, but apparantely... it ends well! Interesting idea!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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