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Haha, was kind of expecting that ending, but the music really helps build up the suspense, and the game combined with the plot twist is a crazy combination. Short and entertaining, keep it up! :)


How that ice cream dude keeps complimenting the girl while his eyeball is being scooped out, that's just... creepy. Though there are plenty of bizarre ideas in this. The animation combined with those crazy ideas, is just awesome. :D Makes me think of the VSauce series. Awesome work!


The rat getting shocked without being grounded is a bit unrealistic, but apart from that, it's a nice idea for an animation! Nice style of character, and powerful voice acting too, specially with the punches and reactions. The backgrounds are as simple as the characters, but it all looks good. Nice work!


So that's how to get a free burger. Heh, short and sweet, with a devious twist at the end. :) I like the character style in this series, smooth and cuddle, and creative, all the characters with distinct personalities too. Looking forward to more of these episodes!


Completely random cartoons are the most entertaining. :) I liked the idea to begin with, a knuckle stun gun, but from there it just keeps getting better and better. The voice acting goes well with the animation, and the scenario at the end is just ridiculously hilarious. :D Gotta love the ending, though it would've been nice to see him go berserk as well. :) Great work!


Awesome, this was just awesome. I wasn't a big fan of the original Gangnam style video, though I do admit it stuck in my head, the tune was catchy as hell. Since then there's been an endless stream of parodies based upon it, but this is definately the best one so far. Not only does it have an Asian theme, just like the original, but it's based upon a both strange and relatable concept. Wanna buy stuff, give me money! :) I can dance to that.

The main character looks just like Psy, and overall all the characters are very well-designed, they're detailed (especially the traiditional clothing on the surrounding characters) and the dance moves are booth smooth and true to the original video. The backgrounds are varied, and the go along well with the music, and then there's the music, too! Great work on that, it's all in tune with the original melody too! Even without the explanations this was great to watch, but with those it definately gains some meaning. Keep up the great work!


Nice work with the beginning stereotypes. :D The beginning doesn't seem to have anything to do with zombies, and... nore does the rest, but it was entertaining in a strange, random sense. The sound effects are a nice addition too, specially the end one (from some Mario game?), a bit unexpected linked to that animation. Overall it's smooth and fluent, and full of... crazy people and stereotypes. Keep it going!


Haha, having played Pokemon so much, this is just hilarious. :D Great work put into the voice acting especially, and building up the characters visions before it all goes to shit. Misdrevous really was a pain in the game, too. :) Great work!


Horsenwelles responds:

well thanky!

True fact, it takes less muscles top shit than to frown? It all evolves into a collective pun though, combined with some really silly character animations, hah. Fun to watch! The animation is simple and the voice acting realistic, with a lot of voices too, nice seeing a whole group for a change instead of a single character. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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