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Interesting animation style, with the blank characters, all with stretchy arms and detailed faces, and a colored background texture behind it all. The animation is simple and interesting, but it's really the voice acting and juggling of random concepts that makes the plot. Nice idea, nice work!


So that's how the zombie apocalypse got started. :P Gotta love the amount of puns and creative ideas put into this animation, like the cloud glacier, the snowjokes, all the snowmen just walking into the house, lmao, it's a fastpaced comedy fiest. Simple yet incredibly smooth animation, great voice acting, and a pretty intense plot. Love it!


Though it's not really real pencilmation, the drawing ontop of a paerlike texture makes it seem all the more impressive somehow. Great work on animation and transitions, and voice acting, and the pencil is a relistic touch too, with shadow and everything. Really nice work! And a happy ending too! :)


The lyrics are completely impossible to understand, but it's still of so catchy, so entertaining. :D Great combination of music and animation, and the idea of an oce with a bow is just hilarious. :D Love the simple cartoonish style and the crazily wobbly professor. Great work! It took a while before I noticed it loops, too, haha, goes to show how catchy it is. :D


Haha, nice animation! It's a got a slow calm pace to it and great voice acting to back up the animation. It's a good topic too, though I wish it would've ended differently, dandelions really are good food. I never understand why people keep trying to cleanse their lawns from them instead of putting them in a salad. :) Nice work!


Warlord-of-Noodles responds:

they would need to have a real designated area. they effing MURDER your other plants. also, it's safe to assume there isn't pesticide and weed killer in the world of "no evil" contemporary dandelions on our lovely little planet, absorb toxins like a sponge.

Haha, lmao, this was just friggin hilarious! :D Wasn't expecting this at all! The face fits right into the controller, and combined with those movements it's just so... obvious. Can't believe nobody's made a movie like this earlier. Awesome. :D


Awesome. I was expecting some kind of pun with crime, but not this. It was a fun ride to watch, and the mimickry combined with the plot was a creative touch. Great music to go with it too, bit like circus music. I feel sad for those mimes though, next time I walk past one maybe I'll actually stop for once. Nice work!


CaffeineClown responds:

You should stop for one! You never know what they'll do if you don't!! (thanks for the review! :) )

Nice improvisation! It's strange watching this because it feels like the voice and the face don't match at all. Also strange watching it sideways, lmao. Would be nice with a more diverse voice acting showcase, but this is good. Keep it up!


Hah, even better than the first one, and much longer than I assumed it would be, kinda expected it to end after the first mail readouts but it turns out that wasn't even the half of it! I'm looking forward to all this new series has to offer for the new year! The combination of just random topics and Zone-tan's lively being is great fun to watch. Nice touch with the tentacle serving, and Stampers cut (combined with Zone-tan reactions) was hilarious. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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