
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Nice. This is a beautiful animation, great combination of silloutess (and whatever their bright counterparts are called), vivid effects and a shadow that bathes in alternatingly darkness and light. The inspiring music to back it up makes it all the more powerful too. Great work!


Woah, a sprite animation like no other it is! Plenty of intense fights in this, and some pretty interestin character combinations. It's not just a lot of sprite fights either, there's plenty of sound, voice acting, etc, and some nice effects, like the inverted characters. Nice collab!


Oh yeah, Krinkels is back! :) It starts off in the classic 'somewhere in Nevada' style, though it's probably not Nevada... or is it? Jumps right into the action after that, and as always, the combined blood effects, gunfire and character physics are amazing. There's plenty of background detail too, in the form of pipes and fans and other decoration. As for the action, it's just one long action-fest, and it never stops. It may slow down but it never just ends. The big boss is really a BIG boss, too. Nice work! The count down instead of a traditional kill count is a nice addition btw. And then some. XD


Hah, that was disturbing, lmao, crazy tongue work. I guess I'd understand it more if I had watched Arrested Development, but it's still some... random entertainment. :/ Keep it going!


lmao, a nother cray coallition of dinosaurs and regular plot. :) Weird as always seeing prehistoric creatures in the locations and situations that humans would regular be in. Great voice acting, and an even greater completely random plot, and in this one there's even a sex scene, lmao, that's a first. Nice work!


AnimonsterOfficial responds:

You're too kind.

There are just so many ways to get rejected in Mass Effect 3, hehe. Nice combination of puns and plotpline, and a spiffy ending twist. The animation is simple, but there are plenty of varied backgrounds and nice character designs. Also some pretty sweet music, that track at the end, which one is that? Keep up the good work!


Happy Belated Birthday Bahamut! This was a rather long flash for such a short animational loop, but with all the combined medals (of which it seems I managed to miss one, despite a clicking frenzy) it still had a lot of entertainment value. Nice seeing a bunch of familiar faces popup, and it's a party mode mood all the way! :) Keep it going!


Nice. Imagine if the movie had been like this, lmao, this was a nice twist to the regular order of events. Nice work with all the voice acting for the characters, and the simple cartoony animation style works well, lot of puns with other entities too, like birdspeak, Faux News, hehe, keep it going!


ADASport responds:

Thanks for your review!

Haha, that ending is twisted! :D Nice... pun? parody? Well whatever it is, it's nice, short and entertaining. The 'I know what you've been watching' sounded like something else the first time around though. Anyway, keep it going!


NoahBit responds:

Thanks dude. I've got another one coming soon and it will look ten times better than this. I hope you become a fan.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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