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....and then they all rush those front lines and get gunned down. ;) I mean not so seem pessimistic here but who knows, maybe...

Another good one, though compared to the last it's just so... light. So simple. All better again. Probably good with a lift but the depth always adds a layer of... no idea what it is but it just feels more profound that way. Cool this all worked out though. And interesting how everything seems to go full circle in life in the end, long as you just keep on trying...


Description didn't really prepare for how deep this went... dang. Feels. Started out with that expected strain of visual/narrative comedy but it sure took a turn after a bit, and ends so conclusively non-cathartic. That most definitely is loss...

Never had a dog, nor pet of any sorts that I outlived, but this resonates heavy. Gives a glimpse into a different kind of life; shows that grief really is as profound no matter the species, long as you are that close. The hand on shoulder bit is such a moment of clarity with regard to the complexity of relations and emotions too, relatable too, so much emotion in this.

Do hope the pain fades with time; makes way for more so joyful memories...


Some of these conversations were just way more creative back in the day. :) Remember this one clearly! Good 'ol classics...


Who doesn't still have their holographic Charizard. XD And this was awesome... what a trip. Rainbow roads. Milk mustache midget. Dark Sky Park mishaps. The narrative's on point with every one point of this... does make you want to maybe take a trip there some day and see those same sights, I hear unicorns are pretty rare too...

Regarding that +30 transition i ain't so bad after all either...


Perfect ending on this one. :) And yupp, relatable, somewhat...

Lively dead end jobs you've had too btw.


lmao! XD These standalone ones really are the best ones. On point all the way.


The one critter you don't want to get in the house right now... though poor bats getting such a bad rep for something they really had no part in... good one though.


Long time since we saw that bathtub in the new ones hmm... also never thought about how much like Clip Art some of those background details seemed back in the day...

Foamy the genius. Gotta love the classics. Also did not expect (or remember) the exploded duck but indeed, mindblowing ideas!


Pants with slogans on them sure, but those kinds of slogans? XD

Maybe this'd sell as merch though...


Wonder if that possum experience might not have been slightly exaggerated. XD Great timing with all the jokes in this one though, at least up till the end of it, and yes I do remember camping in my backyard, though not all that often...

Did you by any chance keep doing this even after the wolverine experience?


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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