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Woah, this really went deeper than expected, not what you'd expect to see for Halloween, strumming plenty of emotional strings too... when he managed to pick up that bottle at the end I was thinking it was an attempt to wake himself up and come back to life; see to the cat, but maybe it was just a delusion? Still not willing to believe he was dead?

Not the turn I was expecting or hoping for, but it does go full circle in such a great way.

Animation's smooth and easy to read and the music'beautiful too. I guess this was inspired by the music? Or maybe just certain elements animated in that fit with the lyrics otherwise, though it didn't follow the essence of what you originally intended to make, like the three-horned rabbit?

What a shame this passed by so unnoticed though... can't see how you can't appreciate this one. Whatever you do believe. Feels. Perfect title too.


Foamy really done matured over the years... solid rant again, though I miss the less serious topics of old a bit, this is getting almost like a real monologue, could be spoken by a real person, not just a squirrel... until that final little melody kicks in...


Am I imagining things or was Pilz-E's voice back in the day even better than it is now? :D Maybe something about the accentuation... this was just perfect. Germaine's response on point too.

Wouldn't mind more fanmail now...


A small memento to remember him by after all. :) What a trip...


I can't help you now. No one can.

Honestly though I wouldn't mind watching the whole series like this... assume it wouldn't take all that long to manage if episode length stays consistent with each one!

Nice work keeping this all so authentic too! Almost more authentic than the real thing with that VHS-like filter on it! Good fun. Nostalgia too. But even without this would've been great.


Well that was a fun. :) Classy little Halloween tour with somewhat expected but still so satisfying end... expressions all play so right. Nicely done. And Happy Halloween!


....and then they all rush those front lines and get gunned down. ;) I mean not so seem pessimistic here but who knows, maybe...

Another good one, though compared to the last it's just so... light. So simple. All better again. Probably good with a lift but the depth always adds a layer of... no idea what it is but it just feels more profound that way. Cool this all worked out though. And interesting how everything seems to go full circle in life in the end, long as you just keep on trying...


Description didn't really prepare for how deep this went... dang. Feels. Started out with that expected strain of visual/narrative comedy but it sure took a turn after a bit, and ends so conclusively non-cathartic. That most definitely is loss...

Never had a dog, nor pet of any sorts that I outlived, but this resonates heavy. Gives a glimpse into a different kind of life; shows that grief really is as profound no matter the species, long as you are that close. The hand on shoulder bit is such a moment of clarity with regard to the complexity of relations and emotions too, relatable too, so much emotion in this.

Do hope the pain fades with time; makes way for more so joyful memories...


Some of these conversations were just way more creative back in the day. :) Remember this one clearly! Good 'ol classics...


Who doesn't still have their holographic Charizard. XD And this was awesome... what a trip. Rainbow roads. Milk mustache midget. Dark Sky Park mishaps. The narrative's on point with every one point of this... does make you want to maybe take a trip there some day and see those same sights, I hear unicorns are pretty rare too...

Regarding that +30 transition i ain't so bad after all either...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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