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Hah, what a freaky alarm clock! For a minute there it made me think of Angry Birds. Really interesting mixture of sound and animation, it's got a VG feel to it even though the characters are all but game-like. We should make a day like this a reality, nice work!


That Maxwell character just doesn't give a hoot! :P Awesome animation, plenty of comedy and at the same time I can't help feel bad for that main character. Keep up the good work!


Heh, what a twisted end! A voluntary shitification, as always that was... something I did not expect. It was a surprise to hear some English thrown into the mix btw, that worked well. Didn't recognize either of these characters, in differences to the Versus animations I've watched earlier, but either way it was fun. Keep it going!


That was awesome, a great mash of plotless action and... well that's pretty much it so far. I wonder if this is inspired by the old Regenade series? The characters aren't alike, but the plot does have it's similarities. Apart from that it reminds me a bit of GTA, and the music is in classy Vice City style. The voice acting is a bit generic, maybe you could get a few more voice actors through NG? As for the animation, it's great, the transitions, the details, the movement, all good. Looking forward to the next ep!


These ending twists keep on getting me. :D Feels like more animals could've been involved in the battle, but either way it was a good one. Smooth and comical. Keep it going!


Moral of the story, never mess with the snow queen! Can't help but feel a bit sympathetic for her at the end there, having to listen to such grueling yodeling, having to breath is such repugnant fumes! Anyway, fun as always, keep it going!


Woo, a dual KO this time! I hope there'll be more battles with artists I like, like this. If one had won it just wouldn't do either one of them justice, but this way works well. Great animation, great effects. Keep it going!


Haha, it's the Pretty Woman walking down the street. :D This was just hilarious, and a nice twist at the end too. Not sure if that's a fridge, or a giant stone block, or something else? Either way there's plenty of comedy in this, and as always fluent animation/sound. Keep it going!


Haha, lol at that ending! :D Wasn't texpecting that. This series keeps surprising. Great animation and a genius plot. The way all conversations are built up on bleeping and pictures work great, and how the control always becomes a part of the pun. Looking forward to the next stage, if there is one!


Ow, nice symbolism! The happiness, the naivety of the world, and then it just gets chomped up by darkness. Great graphics, music that adds to the atmosphere and a bloody finale. It's a nice short. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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